[Chapter 1] Aliens

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My new story!
Alot of people have been asking for this, so...here it is. It is alot different from the other one (by my awesome friend @FelineNinja) but still cool so here it goes!


Short first chapter soz


It was a normal day at Honeydew inc. Simon slumped down at the beer garden as Duncan finished up on the roller coaster.

"Hey Simon" Lewis smiled, walking over to sit next to him.
"Hey. Where are Sips and Sjin?"
"Sipsco" Lewis mumbled. Simon smirked.

"Hey you guys got any..." Duncan said coming over but trailed off as something peculiar happened.

The sky flashed yellow. The entire sky, just turned yellow for a few moments. Duncan frowned.

"Must be a bug" he said. But then it happened again. The entire sky flashed yellow.

Then orange. And this time, there was noise. A loud bang, like something exploding.

Suddenly something shot past, landing with a loud crash next to where the giant Christmas tree used to be.

"Woah" Simon yelped.
"What the hell was that" Duncan yelled.
"I don't know. It looked like a spaceship" Lewis stared.

The trio carefully stood up, approaching the wreck. The thing that crashed, it was big and black, and may have once been a pointed shape, but now, sparks flew out from the side.

The front was buckled, and smoke was pouring out of something in the back. For a few moments, there was only the sound of sparks and smoke, and then the door opened.

It opened upwards, letting out a huge cloud of smoke. And then someone stepped out.

She was tall, and wore black. Her brown hair ended at her shoulders, and covered half of her face, hiding her left eye.

Her hair was a light brown, and she was covered in bruises and cuts. She looked straight at the trio, her eyes glowing.

Glowing purple.

She marched over to them, a snarl on her face.
"Where is he?" She growled.
"W-who?" Lewis stammered.
"Rythian Enderborn"

Duncan slowly raised a shaking arm and pointed in the direction of Blackrock.

"That way. In a basalt castle" he managed to say.

The strange girl growled and ran in the direction Duncan was pointing. The trio stood, staring, stunned.

Slowly, Simon turned to Lewis and Duncan.
"What the hell is going on?"

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