[Chapter 18] The Horrid Truth

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"Wow" Simon mumbled when Kira had finished.

"You and Rythian have been through a lot" Lewis continued.

"Yeah, but at least now you know the whole story" Kira muttered.

"Your hair used to be blond?" Hannah asked.

Kira nodded.

"It used to be long, but I had to cut it short because otherwise it was dangerous. You know, because I was the queen"

"Maybe we could help you get it back to the way it was before" Hannah suggested.


"Healing potions?" Duncan said.

"How would that work?" Hannah asked.

"You...don't know?" He frowned.

Hannah shook her head.

"Technically, you cut off a piece of yourself, so healing potions would heal it back to the way it was before" Duncan explained.

"So...we could heal it back to its normal length and colour?" Kira asked.

"Maybe not colour...but we can always dye it"

Kira smiled faintly.

"Maybe later, but now we need to find that MFSU"

"Oh...about that..." Duncan mumbled.

He turned to the machine placed down behind him.

"It needs more power. It won't charge in time for Ridge to come back"

"Could we all power it?" Hannah asked.

"Like, connect it to all the power stations on the server?"

Duncan thought about this.

"Hey yeah...that could work" he finally said.

"Is there anything else we need to do or say before we move on?" Kira asked. Everyone was quiet.

"Good" she mumbled, then turned to look at Duncan.

"Because I have something to sort out"

She stood up, an walked over to Duncan.

"What are you?"

"Not this again" Lewis mumbled.

"You are obviously not human" Kira continued, her one visible eye narrowing.

"What does it matter that he's not human? I'm not, I'm a dwarf" Simon yelled.

"That's different" Kira muttered back, her eye not wavering from Duncan.

"You are human like. Duncan is something completely different"

"Do you have any proof?" Sjin asked.

Kira remained silent for a few seconds.

"When we were at The End, I was secretly watching him. At the orphanage, you disappeared for a few minutes, and I saw an Enderborn go around the corner to look for you. You came back, she did not"

Duncan frowned.

"It was a big place, she probably went to another room or something"

"When we went to the city, they smelt Zoey out because she was a human, but you blended right in. You didn't have a human scent on you"

Duncan smirked.

"I do a lot of science, my human scent died long ago"

"The torture rooms" Kira pushed on.

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