[Chapter 3] The Plan of Trust

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"I'm going to stay here for a few days" Kira said.

"Just to earn your trust"

"Why do I find that so hard to believe" Rythian stated.

Kira sighed.

"Fine..." She grumbled.

"I'm actually here to see how good an eye Ridge keeps on this place"

"Wait, why?" Lewis asked.

"What has that got to do with anything?"

Kira shrugged.

"I'm seeing...weather or not it is possible to sneak two and a half thousand people into this world without him seeing"

Every stared at her.

"How us are we going to save them?" She asked.

"Ridge would notice that" Lewis said.

"We have to get him to leave somehow..." Duncan stated, silencing the room into thought.

"The dimension market" Lewis mumbled.

Kira frowned.

"I'm sorry?"

"The dimension market! A market where anyone is allowed to come and trade and stuff. Ridge was talking about going and said if he decided too, then I would be in charge. That way, we can smuggle in the Enderborn's until he comes back"

"Problem" Kira smiled.

"One; 'until he comes back' how long will he be gone and two; when is he leaving? If we don't get every Enderborn out in the next three weeks or so they will all die"

Everyone looked at Lewis and he sighed.

"I'll go talk to him" he said.


"Ah! Lewis! How nice to see you!" Ridge smiled upon opening the door. Lewis awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and half smiled.

"Hey Ridge. How's it goin?"

"Fine fine" Ridge waved. He seemed way too happy. Not evil enough.

"Why are you so happy?" Lewis asked, curiosity overtaking him.

"I've decided to go to the dimension market. I wasn't going to go, but then Notch himself asked me to join him"

"Lucky you" Lewis smiled.

"So uhh...why are you here?" Ridge asked. Lewis froze. He hadn't been expecting that.

"I...uh...just needed...some time away...from the...factory. Yeah, so many problems popping up, I just needed to get out"

Ridge managed a small laugh and Lewis mentally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You would think problems were just falling from the sky eh?" Ridge smirked at him before laughing again. Lewis but his lip before mumbling.

"They kinda are"

Ridge stopped laughing and Lewis looked at him, slightly panicked as he realised he had said that last bit out loud.

"What do you mean?" He almost whispered, eyes narrowing.

Lewis swallowed, suddenly very afraid and with an urge to turn and run.

"Uhh...the...egg coaster broke and when we went to fix it...it started...raining" he rolled his lip between his teeth as Ridge continued to frown at him.

"Ok..." Ridge said and looked to be in thought as Lewis cleared his throat, summoning up some courage to continue this conversation.

"So...when are you leaving?"

Ridge looked at him, his face was blank but his eyes looked suspicious of him.

"In about two weeks. I'll be gone for about three or four weeks. Remember, you are in charge. You and Sparkles but mostly you"

Lewis swallowed and back up, bowing before yelling thank you and quickly walking away before Ridge could get out another word.


It was mostly silent at the factory, everyone sitting around in a circle, minding their own business. Well...it seemed that way when Lewis barged in.

"He's going! He may suspect we're up to something but he's going!"

Kira stood up quickly, eyes wide. Rythian stood up as well.

"When?" She asked, her voice eager.

Lewis took in a sharp breath.

"In about...two weeks"

Her shoulders sagged and her eyes drifted to the ground. After a few seconds of stunned silence, she looked up again.

"You need to meet at least one of them. That way you know how bad it actually is"

"What do you suggest?" Duncan called and Kira smirked.

"I have a plan"

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