[Chapter 12] Into the City

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Zoey went to tell Lemon what was happening while Rythian and Kira spoke to Mags. Duncan was missing.

"You're going to take Lemon?" Mags asked, her voice a little shaky.

"Yeah" Rythian nodded.

"And then we'll be back for you and everyone else"

Something shimmered in her eye as she looked at him.

"You don't need to. Just take Lemon and get out while you still can. While they don't know you're here"

"We will still come back for you" Kira said, making Mags smile sadly.

"You're a good girl, you know that?"

Kira smirked, but it quickly faded as they all heard something terrifying. Something that made the whole room freeze.

Someone knocked on the front door.

It echoed around the old house, and Mags started hyperventilating.

"It's them" she whimpered.

"Two Endermen and a False"

"We have to open the door" Kira muttered, storming to go do so as Mags sat down on the couch, getting sad stares from children too weak to move.

Rythian opened the door.

Standing there, was an Enderborn. Behind him, were two Endermen.

Endermen were like warning systems in The End. They walk around, and if they see something suspicious, they scream and teleport to the queen, immediately alerting the entire dimension.

Which meant that Rythian couldn't kill him or they would be caught.

"Can I help you?" Rythian asked. The man smirked.

"English eh? Not even going to speak your own language?"

Rythian didn't answer.

"The queen requests a test subject. We have come to claim one" the man continued.

Zoey thought that Rythian would turn away this man, at least try and stop him, but he moved aside, and the man came in, the blank Endermen walking behind him.

He walked into the room where everyone else was, his eyes scanning the children quickly until they fell on Lemon.

"Oh no" Zoey whispered to her self as the mans snarl turned into a grin.

"That one" he said, as if he was a kid choosing a toy.

An Enderman came forward and grabbed Lemon. Zoey watched in horror as they dragged her away.

The worst part was, she didn't struggle.

She didn't scream, or cry, or beg.

She just looked even sadder as she was taken away to be killed. The False turned back to Rythian.

"You four! Come with me! The queen wants a word with you" he strode out the door and Rythian, Kira, Zoey and Duncan followed.

This was not good.


Rythian and Zoey walked side by side as they walked towards the tall city gates. Rythian was explaining to Zoey what to do when they arrived.

"Keep your head down, don't look at anyone, don't talk back, don't get in anyone's way, don't move to help people. Especially that last one"

Zoey nodded, licking her lips and praying the tightness in her chest would go away.

She was terrified. What horror was awaiting them in the city? They arrived at the gates where two stone statues of guarded Enderborn's wielding spears stood on either side.

The gates where very medieval, made of crossed wooden logs and stretching into the stone brick arch that towered above them.

"I am Taika, and I have come with a test subject for the queen, along with some soldiers I found" The False announced.

For a few seconds, nothing happened, then the statues came to life. One marched over to the False while the other examined Lemon, then went to examine everyone else.

After a few moments of the False and the Gate Guard talking, they turned to the second statue.

"These three are False" he said.

"But she may not be. She smells of human" he continued, gesturing to Zoey.

"State your business girl" The False asked.

Zoey went to open her mouth to explain that she had no business in the city when she hesitated. Rythian saw this as the perfect time to answer for her.

"She has been in Tekktopia for the last hundred years studying Natura" he said.

The man frowned, and Rythian realised that mod no longer existed on the server.

Please don't notice

He silently begged and the Gate Guard nodded.

"Let them in" he said and the gates rolled up enough to allow them to pass underneath.

As they walked through the gate, Rythian whispered one last thing to Zoey.

"If anyone asks, you've spent your whole life in Tekktopia studying Natura, alright?"

Zoey nodded then forced an evil face upon her kind one as they entered the city.

It was huge.

Everything was very advanced and sciencey. And there was food everywhere.

It was the exact opposite of the poor district. And the weirdest bit was, Rythian blended right in.

Usually he would stand out in any crowd, but he looked exactly like these people.

She wondered about his past as she followed them as they walked towards a huge building that quadrupled the size of every other building.

She gazed at the design of the buildings, usually a repetitive one. A piece of black metal, or whatever material it was, with purple, glowing, square based patterns.

She remembered Rythian's warning and looked at the ground, just in time to miss an Enderborn's head explode.

Some flesh landed in her shoulder an she gasped slightly, flicking it off before she could scream or vomit.

A False walked past and Zoey accidentally bumped his shoulder. He turned around quickly and Zoey stared at the ground, forcing all her muscles not to look at the False towering over her.

"Watch where you're going you little-"

"-----! That's enough come on! We'll be late for school!"

He sneered at her before following his friend and Zoey quickly walked to catch up with Rythian.

"I wanna go home" she whispered and Rythian grabbed her hand, squeezing it before releasing it again.

"It's ok Zoe. We won't be long here. I promise"

This place was horrible. Everyone was murdering everyone else and no one seemed to care. It wasn't like Tekktopia at all.

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