[Chapter 13] The Castle

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The False led them into the giant building, and along rows upon rows of guards. They had visors on, making them look robotic.

And they all stood deathly still. They walked up to a man who had Endermen on either side of him like bodyguards.

This man looked very evil and had two blond streaks in his dark hair.

"The Queen is busy feeding. She must not be disturbed" he said, as the False guards stood before him.

"I shall take these Enderborn's to the holding cells. But the little one can go to the torture rooms"

Zoey heard Lemon whimper and she froze.

Barely, so the guards didn't see her, Zoey brushed her fingers past Rythian's, barely touching his hand with her palm.

She needed to sit down and have someone explain all this to her. As they turned to walk away, the False that stood before the door to the Queens chambers pointed to her.

"You girl! You dress like an Enderborn, yet you smell human. Why is that?"

Zoey froze.

"I...uhh...I've been in Tekktopia for the last hundred years. The smell of human must have rubbed off onto me"

The guard frowned but let it slip, and the group of four were lead to the holding cells.


The holding cells weren't very nice.

It was dark and damp. The walls made of slimy stone bricks and the walls with the doors made of rusty iron bars. Yet everything was quite stable and in no where near condition to let anyone out.

"What do we do now?" Zoey asked when they were all in separate cells and the guards had left.

"Well, first we count ourselves lucky because they put us in holding cells not prison cells. The False have built the most stable prison out of all the dimensions, only three people have ever escaped. And Rythian and I were two of them" Kira said.

"Who was the third?" Duncan asked. Kira went silent and looked at Rythian for an answer.

"Lanar. He was an Enderborn that was worshipped by everyone. He knew everything and some say, he had a vision on how to save The End. But he disappeared a few years ago and...no ones seen him since"

Duncan laughed.

"So the one person that knew how to save everyone is gone? How sad. I wonder if he's dead" the smile never left his face when saying this and Kira frowned but didn't say anything.

"So what do we do now?" Zoey repeated.

"Ah yes, the plan" Kira smiled,

clapping her hands together.

"We bust out, and go find Lemon. Then we run back home. This plan has failed miserably, and we need to just get out and go home"

Everyone seemed to like that plan, and while Kira worked on the escape part, Rythian 'called' home.

"How's everything going?" He asked.

"Uhh...the machine kinda disappeared mysteriously. It's fine though we weren't using it" Lewis's voice came through.

"Tell Lewis I'm going to kill him for breaking Ender technology" Kira noted.

"Well, our plan went to shit" Rythian continued.

"Lemon was taken to the queens torture chambers so we're going to bust her out and run back to the Overworld"

"Ok" Lewis said.

"We're still waiting by the portal, so we'll meet you later. Everyone here trusts you, so remember you don't have to bring back an Enderborn for our trust"

Rythian smirked as he saw Kira's cell door swing open.

"I know. But we're going to bring one back anyway" he ended the call as Kira smashed the lock on his cell and turned to unlock the other two cells.

"Chambers are this way. We probably won't run into any guards but if we do, act like you're meant to be here"


All four 'Enderborns' made their way through the maze that was the queens castle. Fortunately, there were no False encounters, and they made it to the door that led to the torture chambers.

"Now, before we go in" Kira started, turning to Zoey.

"This place is designed to scare people so it can get a little...detailed..."

Zoey nodded, completely understanding and Rythian gave her hand a squeeze before Kira opened the door.

The screams of creatures, both male, and female, and other, echoed around the long hallway with doors on either side.

Kira led the way, walking down the corridor, scanning the doors which had nothing but three digit numbers on them.

"Have you ever been here before?" Duncan asked.

"No" Kira said.

"Yes" Rythian said.

"What was it like?" Zoey asked, a little afraid of the answer.

"It was the single most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life. And they did it out of sheer boredom"

"I don't like False. They're really mean" Zoey mumbled.

"That's why we call them False. Because they aren't human. They don't have emotion. But then again, neither do most Enderborn's"

"What?" Zoey's head shot up, quite surprised.

"Enderborn's don't experience emotion. We do sometimes, but it is quite rare" Rythian explained.

"We also can't see colours. That's rare too" Kira added.

"You're colour blind?" Duncan asked.

"Yeah. Sometimes, if we really want to, then we can see colours. But apart from that, it's usually just black and white"

"Literally" Rythian grumbled.

"Here" Kira said, stopping suddenly.

"This door here" she pointed to the door to her left.

"She's still being tortured, which means unless we want to be caught, we need to wait till after they're finished" Kira explained.

"So what do we do?" Duncan asked.

"Around every torture room, there is a gap, where water, lava, and blood are drained from the rooms. If we get into the drains, we can look out from the bottom of the walls and watch until they're done. Then take her and run"

"Oookkk..." Duncan mumbled.

"But how are we going to get into the drains?"

Kira thought about this, then bent down beside the door started tapping on the bricks.

Everyone watched until she was satisfied, then she punched the bricks. The fell inwards, revealing a hole, big enough for a human to crawl through. It smelled disgusting, just like how a drain should smell.

"Ladies first?" Kira insisted, gesturing to Zoey.

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