[Chapter 5] Trusting Kira

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They spent the rest of the day training, until Kira dismissed them at around five. Everyone went their separate ways and Zoey invited Kira around to stay, of course.

Rythian liked Zoey's generosity but the last thing he needed was to sleep in the same house as his sister. Which, ironically, was also the person that wanted to murder him for what he did.


"Rythian! This way!" Kira yelled, running through a door. Rythian ran, following her, but skidding to a stop when he heard a scream.

Too late.

A flash of magenta and a sharp stab of pain sent Rythian stumbling to the floor.

With his hand clutched at his bleeding jaw, he looked up, watching as Kira held her right eye, purple blood escaping through the cracks between her fingers.

Rythian was grabbed, being dragged up and shoved against the wall, a hand at his throat.

"Rythian Enderborn" the queen snarled.

"I've been looking for you. I personally wanted to kill you"

Rythian winced, staring into the glowing purple eyes as they stared, eagerly awaiting his death.

And then she was flung across the room. With Kira's last ounce of strength, she had saved her brothers life.

"Rythian...help me..." Kira whimpered, reaching for him. But then, Rythian did something that haunts him to this day.

He turned around, and walked out.

He left Kira to die, and as he walked towards the portal to Tekktopia, he heard Kira scream, cursing his name.

*End of Flashback*

Rythian woke with a jolt, his eyes scanning the room. No portal. No End. No Kira. He was home. As close to a home he would ever get, but still a home.

Light streamed in through the curtains, revealing the empty room. Rythian ran a hand through his hair before clumping downstairs, walking into the lounge and freezing.

Kira was sitting on the couch, Ghost and Willow, both sound asleep, lying with their heads on her lap.

"Guess your dogs like me" she smirked.

"Guess you forgot I know what you can do to animals" Rythian said back and walked out while Kira laughed.

She seemed way to different from last time.


"I got a message from Hannah" Zoey said, walking into the lounge where Kira and Rythian were staring at each other, eyes narrowed, no other sound or movement in the room. They were like statues, waiting for the other one to move first.

"What's its say?" Rythian mumbled, barely moving at all.
"To...meet at her house to discuss the plan?"

"What plan?" Kira asked.
"That's...why we're going to meet...you guys are kinda creeping me out"

Rythian's mouth twitched into a smile but Kira remained emotionless.
"Are you just...staring at each other?"

"Telepathy" Kira answered.
Rythian nodded.
"That's so cool" Zoey grinned.


"Is everyone here?" Hannah called out, making the crowd in front of her, that had somehow squeezed into the little room in her tree house, go quiet.

"Good. First of all..." She started.
"Nobody knows what's going on and why we all spent yesterday learning how to fight with sticks"

"Fighting staffs!" Kira yelled at her.
"Whatever! What the hells going on?"

"I'll tell you" Kira said more quietly and stepped up beside Hannah.

"I told you about the war in the End. How there are two types of Enderborn's fighting each other. What needs to happen, is me, Rythian, science boy and red head girl need to go to the end, and pretend to be False, so we can sneak one Enderborn out"

Everyone went quiet.
"Why can we trust you?" Lewis asked.
"You walked in here, told us about this...Enderwar, and just expect us to trust you? What if it's a trap?"

Kira but her lip in thought.
"Ok..." She mumbled.
"Do you trust Rythian?"

"More than we trust you" Duncan grunted. Kira sighed and turned to her brother.

"Rythian, do you trust me?" She asked. Rythian froze, not expecting this.

He had trusted her. Back when they were in the End, fighting for Enderborn's, but then...


Do you want to be an Enderborn?

Well too bad you can't


So in the next story I need names.

Weird, unusual names like Rythian or Kira or...something.

Just uncommon names you wouldn't see everywhere.

You can say one name, or post a list, I JUST NEED NAMES PLEASE

Bai bai

FireKat28 =^•-•^=

Join the Enderborns [Yogscast fanfic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang