[Chapter 16] A Turn Of Events

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Ridge sent a message to Sparkles saying he was going to be delayed getting back due to the situation in The Nether, and Sparkles promised to tell Lewis.

When he arrived at the factory, instead of seeing three men either working, drinking, or doing some other pointless thing, he found a group of people from the server, along with a strange girl.

She looked a lot like Rythian, with her brown hair and purple eyes. He could only see one of her eyes because her hair seemed to continuously cover the other eye.

Like she was trying to hide something...

"So what's going on here?" Sparkles asked as he walked up to everyone.

"Oh uhh..." Lewis stammered.

"Who's this?" Kira asked.

"Sparkles" Sparkles said and she bit her lip, trying not to laugh.

"That's your real name?"

"No it's not, as much as I hate to admit it, but who are you? You're not meant to be here"

"Umm, Sparks can I talk to you real quick?" Lewis asked dragging the ginger away from the group.

"That is Rythian's sister. She's come here to ask for help. In The End, the queen has taken over the Enderborn's and sent the ones that didn't believe in violence and murder into poverty. We just need to help her and then she'll leave, Ridge doesn't have to know"

Sparkles sighed, and slowly thought this over.

"Alright" he said.

"But when Ridge comes back, if I see something out of the ordinary, I'm telling him"

Lewis nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, sure whatever you want"

The two men turned and walked back to everyone else. Sparkles opened his mouth to say something when a horrified, dog-like yelp sound out.

Kira's eyes widened.

"Lemon!" She yelled and ran to where Lemon was resting.

Instead of seeing Lemon lying in her bed, she saw a False, holding Lemon up by the knife he had slid into her back.

Her eyes were squeezed shut and she wasn't breathing, but her tensing body and small whimpers were enough to tell Kira he had stabbed a pressure point.

"Finally I have found you. Now I will tell my queen and she can eliminate you" the False grinned.

He slid the knife out of Lemons back and the poor girl fell to the ground, shaking as purple blood started to pool around her.

The False suddenly yelled out and Kira saw the arrow that had pierced through his stomach.

Something like that wouldn't even come close to slowing down and Enderborn, but the green poison on the tip said otherwise.

It took seconds for the False to collapse beside Lemon, which Rythian walked forwards, putting his bow away and dragging the False somewhere safe.

Kira ran forward, scooping Lemon up in her arms. She whimpered in pain as she was carried outside. It was sunrise, finally the night was over, and Kira stopped as she watched the sun send red, orange and yellow streaks across the sky.

"Lemon, open your eyes" she whispered, not daring to drag her eyes away from such marvellous colours.

The young, dieing Enderborn slowly opened her eyes, and at first, squinted at the light, then gazed at the beauty of the sun.

They continued to stand there, staring at the colours for ages, until Kira felt Lemon slump in her arms. She knew the young Enderborn was dead.


"What's she doing?" Simon asked.

"I don't know. She's been doing that ever since Lemon died" Lewis answered.

"It's what she does when someone she could've saved dies" Rythian said, walking over and joining the group in their conversation.

They were in the Jaffa Factory, and were all seated at a makeshift table on the main floor.

Kira sat a few metres away, sitting cross legged on the floor, her eyes glued to the marble in front of her.

She had been like this for the past few hours.

"She's usually really tough, you know, can go through hell and come out, cocky as ever" Rythian continued.

"It's the little things that get to her. The fact that something that's dead died again"

"You're dead?" Lewis asked.

"Yeah, that's what Enderborn's are. Dead souls. The End is where all the dead souls go, or Enderborn's as we call them. When the dead soul dies again, they turn into mindless, dull creatures"

"Endermen" Duncan said.

Rythian nodded.

"That's why there's never any heat in The End. Or why there's no colour. We are dead"

"That's...made me look at you differently now" Simon said, which made Rythian smirk.

"Kira should get over it in a few minutes maybe" and he walked away.

"What happened to that other one?" Lewis asked.

"The False? He's in a prison Sipsco built underground in one of their buildings" Duncan said.

"What are we going to do with him?"

On that question, everyone quietly thought to themselves.

What are they going to do with their prisoner?

How are they going to save The End?

And why is Kira so suspicious of Duncan?

Join the Enderborns [Yogscast fanfic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang