[Chapter 7] The Hive

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"Do you trust Rythian?"

"More than we trust you" Duncan grunted. Kira sighed and turned to her brother.

"Rythian, do you trust me?" She asked. Rythian froze, not expecting this.

He had trusted her. Back when they were in the End, fighting for Enderborn's, but then...

"Yes" he said calmly.

"Yes I trust you"

Kira smiled at him and Duncan rolled his eyes.

But he didn't. As much as he wanted, Rythian didn't trust her, because it took eight hundred years for the best tracker he knows to find him and he was hiding in plain sight.

The more he thought about it, the more all of this seemed like a trick.

"So...the most un-trusty person on this planet trusts you" Duncan said.

Kira sighed at Rythian then took a deep breath and looked Duncan in the eyes, which would have made anyone scared, except Duncan remained perfectly calm. How odd.

"How about I tell you the one thing that can make an Enderborn scream for mercy?"

Everyone froze, eyes wide, mouths open. Rythian smirk.

"Everyone has a weakness. For humans, it's fire and lava and stuff. For Enderborn's, it's the opposite"

"Ice?" Simon asked.

Kira looked at Rythian.

"Really? How do you live with these dipshits? The opposite of fire is ice. What's the opposite of water then?"

"Water? It's water?" Lewis said.

Rythian nodded.

"How...what... Why? Why would you live here then?" Lewis asked.

"Yeah, seventy five precent of this planet is water" Duncan noted.

"Too...uhh...maybe...umm...I don't know...scare away the other Enderborn's?" Kira yelled sarcastically.

"How do we know you aren't lying?" Simon asked.

"Again with the lying!" Kira sighed.

"How about this;"

Everyone looked at her, waiting for her to speak as she had some last minute thoughts.

"Ok, you can tip a bucket of water on me and see. If I'm right, you have to trust me. If I'm wrong..."

"Then we send you back to the end" Duncan finished. Kira nodded in agreement.

Everyone silently looked at everyone else and nodded.

"Ok, someone go get a bucket" Lewis said.


The Dimension Market went by many names, each in different languages. But it was most commonly known as The Hive, and it was at The Hive, that Ridge meet with Notch.

"So how are things Ridge?" Notch asked as they walked side by side through the busy market stalls.

Creatures of all shapes and sizes stood behind stalls, some poorly crafted, some assembled by architects. Everyone was yelling.

"They are fine sir. Everything is well" Ridge responded. This made Notch sigh.

"If I wanted to know about your dimension, I would have asked" he stopped and looked at him, and Ridge truly admired how tall he was.

Ridge was quite tall, about six foot, but Notch had to be eight foot at least.

"I mean, how are things in your life? Have you...made any new friends? Meet any new people?"

Ridge sighed and his thoughts wondered to how everyone must be doing. It had been about two weeks since he left. Two weeks to go and he would go back.

"No sir, not really"

"How many times have I told you" Notch grinned.

"Not to call me sir? Call me Notch"

He started walking and Ridge smirked.


He said and walked to catch up to him.

"So who has the great, powerful, all knowing Overworld left in charge hmm?" Notch continued.

"Umm...Xephos" Ridge said, waving away a giant rat holding a jar before he could approach him.

"Xephos? Which one is that?" Notch asked and Ridge managed a small laugh.

"The spaceman"

"Ah yes! Xephos! I remember him now! Wasn't he part of summoning?"

"Yes he was" Ridge said.

Summoning happens in each dimension, the first people there 'summon' it with a ritual. It's tradition in all dimensions.

Those same people that summoned it can also go through a ritual that will self destruct the entire dimension.

"Lydia was talking to me the other day and I couldn't remember if you had changed your destruction ritual"

Notch said. Ridge shook his head.

"It's still Ryōkan Taiga" he said.

"I'll make sure to pass on the note" Notch smiled.

"So...if you don't mind me asking..." Ridge started.

"I would like to know why you brought me out to The Hive?" Notch sighed quickly and faced him, still keeping a steady pace.

"You need a holiday Ridge. You're always working too hard and taking things seriously. You need to get out once in a while. Come see some things Vareide has built. He is a good builder"

Ridge looked at him for a few seconds then nodded. He decided to relax while he was here, and listen to Notch.

He was positive he could trust Xephos for a few more days...


I got the name The Hive from the Minecraft server, it's really cool go check it out : TheHive.mc

Vareide built it, go check him out on

YouTube @Vareide

Twitter @Vareide

And finally, Lydia is from Team Mojang she goes to Minecon and stuff (thats her job? :O) so go follow her

Twitter @LydiaWinters

(She's the girl with the pink hair)

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