[Chapter 17] Backstories and New Plans

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Kira banged her fist on the table.

"Listen up! We gotta get a new plan! How are we going to get the Enderborns out of The End?" Kira announced.

"Teleporting" Simon suggested. Again.

"Neither Rythian, or I, could teleport that many people. Anything else?"

"No hold on" Duncan interrupted.

"We could do it. Using science"

Rythian grumbled and Kira looked at her brother.

"Do you still hate science? Get over it Ryth, it happened ages ago"

Her attention went back to Duncan.


"Well..." Duncan started.

"What we do us we fill an MFSU with all the power we can, then we hook it up to one of you wirelessly. When you teleport, all the energy flows through you and you'll be able to teleport a lot more people"

Kira thought about this, which only took about seven seconds.

"I'm willing to try it. It sounds plausible. Do you have an MFSU?"

"Uhh...yeah" Duncan blinked.

"It's at my castle"

Kira turned to the others and grinned.

"Come on, lets all go there"


Kira, Lewis, Simon, Duncan, Sjin and Hannah were all gathered on the third floor of one of Duncan's towers.

"This might be a good time to tell you guys what me and Rythian's backstory is" Kira said, while looking out the window.

Lewis and Simon threw a glance at each other.

"It started many years ago in The End. About, six hundred years. Enderborn's do live up to roughly a thousand years. Back then, Enderborn's were Enderborn's, and nothing threatened us..."


This is a story that Rythian himself wrote. It is on his Tumblr if you don't believe me.


Once upon a time in a realm far, far away there was a beautiful and wonderful kingdom, nestled in a valley surrounded by massive trees and great lakes, with mountaintops high up into the skies, and beautiful flowers and animals as far as the eye could see. The people living here called it the Realm of Dawn.

The kingdom was ruled by a fair King and a kind Queen. Together they led the people through an age of prosperity and happiness. All throughout the years they cared for their people as if they were their own children. The only thing that ever made them truly unhappy was that they had no children of their own. But the King and Queen were both sorcerers of great skill and power, so one day, while at first hesitant, they cast a spell that would quicken life within the Queen. And some time later, the Princess was born.

The blessed child was loved greatly by her mother and father, and she grew up lacking nothing and given everything she ever wished for. The Princess was a very bright child. She was a quick learner, a patient student and she was dedicated enough to make use of her knowledge. She was beloved by the people, and she loved them back. With her growing powers of magic she did everything she could to improve life for everyone in the Realm of Dawn. At a young age she drew upon the natural energy of the earth to enhance the already vibrant growth of everything in the kingdom, tripling the amount of fruits, vegetables and grains for the foreseeable future. There was a great feast of celebration that lasted days, and it truly seemed like they were living in a paradise.

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