[Chapter 9] Journey to The End

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"Ok who's the most evil looking person on this server?" Kira yelled as she walked out the room.

"Uhh...that would be Rythian" Lewis said.

"Second?" Kira asked.

"R-Ridge?" Simon said, asking the question more then saying it.

Kira sighed and turned.

"Rythian you need to teach Zoey how to be evil!" She yelled.

She turned back and looked at Lewis, since he seemed to be a leader of sorts.

"Where's Duncan?" She asked. Kira seemed very impatient.

"Right here" Duncan said and everyone turned and gasped.

He was standing in the doorway, looking exactly like an Enderborn.

His eyes were a deep magenta and his hair was dark. He wore black, with small bits of purple.

"Wow" Kira said, clearly impressed.

Duncan took a moment to look around the room.

"Where's Zoey?" He asked. Kira gestured to the room behind her.

"Rythian's teaching her how to look evil"

"A clear challenge" Duncan mumbled and sat beside Lewis.


It took ages to get Zoey to look evil. Everyone tried different tactics, from mental imaging to facial expressions. But finally, she did it.

Zoey sat there, evilly glaring from person to person.

"That's it" Kira said.

"That's Enderborn enough. Ok, I want this over and done with so we have to get in and out. No waiting"

"Agreed" Rythian said.

"The End is dangerous and I don't want to be there longer then I have too"

Kira smiled.

"Ok! Where's the portal?"

Silence overtook everyone as they slowly realised the first and biggest flaw in their plan.

"You don't have a portal?" Kira slowly asked.

One by one, everyone shook their heads.

Kira exploded.

"So answer me this: How are we supposed to go to The End, if we don't have a por-"

She was interrupted as something small an green shot past her, flying out the window.

Everyone got up to look at it and saw what it was. It was obvious what it had to be.

An Ender Eye.

"You guys are noobs" Duncan said, pushing past them and jumping out the window.

He caught vines, swinging and climbing over trees till he got to the ground, then turned and looked up, waiting for everyone to follow.

"I...I think I'll take the stairs" Simon mumbled, slightly shocked. Kira shrugged.

"Your funeral" she said, and followed Duncan put the window while everyone else took the sensible option of stairs and ladders.


All of them walked behind Duncan, who threw another Ender Eye every so often to make sure they were on track. Everyone walked at the back, talking among themselves, except for Kira who walked beside Duncan.

"I don't think you're human" Kira said casually.

"I'm sorry?" Duncan asked.

"I said, I don't think you're human" she repeated.

"What makes you think that?"

"Hmm...I don't know" Kira said sarcastically.

"Maybe the fact that you jumped out a window"

"A lot of humans jump out windows" Duncan mumbled.

"You already had Ender Eyes"

"It was just some random crap I had in my bag"

"Ok how about this?" Kira said, nearly stopping as she turned to him.

"You look exactly like an Enderborn. And no one saw you change. I think you morphed"

Duncan hesitated slightly but not enough for a human to pick up on. Kira was not human.

"You can morph?" He asked.

Kira knew he was playing dumb but decided to just go along. She had no more evidence to back this up.

"Yeah..." She mumbled and said nothing else.

After a few minutes, Kira decided that this was going to take a while, so she started admiring the wildlife.

Trees looked funny to her, and a couple mad her laugh. Vegetation didn't exist in The End because it was too cold and dead.

As she was giggling at a jungle tree, something caught her eye. She looked back and saw Rythian walking with Zoey.

By the look on her face, she was very scared, and Rythian kept talking to her, until he grabbed her hand, showing her the ring on it.

She caught a glance of orange but not enough to tell her what ring it was. It was alchemy, which is the main magic study in The End, but...why would he give a ring to Zoey?

Was she a close friend? Rythian didn't like to have close friends. He always told her they were weaknesses.

But...if she wasn't a friend...who was she?

Kira almost walked into Duncan she was so into her thoughts but then snapped out of it and saw why he stopped.

He was standing beside a trapdoor, and upon opening it, filled the dark staircase with light.

"We're here" he mumbled.

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