[Chapter 6] Prison Flashback

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"Do you trust Rythian?"

"More than we trust you" Duncan grunted. Kira sighed and turned to her brother.

"Rythian, do you trust me?" She asked. Rythian froze, not expecting this.

He had trusted her. Back when they were in the End, fighting for Enderborn's, but then...


Rythian forced himself to sit down on the cold stone brick floor. He had been thrown in an Ender prison, which were next to impossible to break out of. Only one person had ever done it...

He could see Kira in the next cell, giving him a death stare, so he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but when he opened them, Kira was asleep.

How long had my eyes been closed for?He wondered.

"So what are you in for?" A raspy, old voice echoed from the next cell.

Rythian frowned, not recognising the voice, but crawled over to the opening allowing him to see into the other cell. Whoever had talked to him was hiding in the shadows.

"Fighting" Rythian answered. This made the presumably old man chuckle.

"Fighting?" He repeated.

"Yes" Rythian replied simply.

"Fighting for what?"

Rythian hesitated. This man could be a spy for all he knew, but something about his voice seemed familiar.

"Fighting for Enderborn's"

He answered cautiously. He hadn't given away anything that could help the False. Not yet anyway.

"Get in line buddy, we all want to murder that queen"

Rythian smirked, turning and leaning back against the cold metal bars of the opening.

"Wait a sec..." The old man mumbled.

"Why didn't you kill her?"

Rythian frowned, remaining silent as if to let him explain.

"You are an assassin. I can tell by your mask and your hair, so why didn't you just-" he stopped himself, and Rythian heard him shift closer.

Closer to the edge of the darkness.

"You...you are injured" he said, sounding a little surprised.

Rythian grunted.

"I don't know what you're-"

"Forth rib from the bottom, left side; you were shot. Right shoulder...front, no wait back. You were stabbed. Pupils are smaller then usual...you were mind controlled. And...you are tense, and shaking slightly, sweating as well...stunned?"

Rythian licked his lips. He had given more information away about his condition then he even knew about. Now the fight was coming back to him.

"Thanks for that Sherlock" he grunted and lay down, wincing when his stab wound touched the wet stone bricks. He stare at the ceiling, silence except for the occasional dripping.

He wondered what had become of the old man.

"Who are you?" He asked.

The old man started to laugh. He laughed for ages, until he stood up and moved into the light. Rythian's eyes widened when he saw him. Never in a thousand years did he think he would meet him.

"I am Lanar" he said.

"Didn't you break out?" Rythian asked, climbing to a sitting position.

"You're the only person to break out of an Ender prison, why did you come back?"

Lanar grinned.

"Now you know who I am, you are more willing to talk to me. I came back to help you, and you alone"

Rythian frowned.

"Why me?"

"Because you were in my vision"

Rythian's eyes widened and he took a few moments to take that in. People say Lanar had a vision of how to save this world. For him to be in it...was huge.

"Listen carefully Enderborn" he said.

"In the future, when you are away from this place, you will meet a girl. This girl will claim to do things normal people can't do. Some will call her crazy. But whatever happens, you must stay with her, and protect her. Take her as your apprentice or something, I don't know. But know that one day, you will have to die for her"

Rythian stared at him. This can't be true. Can it? It was in Lanar's vision. And just that by itself is huge.

He swallowed before answering.

"Ok. I will"

Lanar smirked.

"Ok, onto a different matter..." He looked over to Kira's cell and saw she was still asleep.

"Your sister is a problem"

Rythian frowned, suddenly quite angry.

"What?" He asked very quietly.

"If you stick together, the Ender queen will kill you both. When you both break out of here, you will be in danger"

Rythian stared at him, with a very curious gaze.

"Before reaching the portals, the queen will attack you and Kira. Kira will use all her strength to save you, because she trusts you. But that's when you have to turn around, and walk away. You must not look back, for doing that could kill you both"

Rythian stare at him, unable to move.

Is this seriously the price for freedom? Abandoning your dieing sister?

Rythian looked at Kira, watching as she slept. She trusted him entirely, and he trusted her entirely. He knew that if he abandoned her, she would find him. She might kill him. But if that's what it took...so be it.

"I understand" Rythian finally said.

Lanar smiled.

"So, here's how you break out"

*End of Flashback*

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