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"I don't want to go back to sleep." I insist.

Sans gives me the usual scrutinizing look.

I cross my eyes and stick my tongue out at him in response. Him and Frisk snort and start laughing.

"pfheheheh. really kid?"

"Yep." I say with a fake grin, "I'm fine guys." They can see right through it, of course. But at least they know I'm okay enough to pretend to be.

"well.... you need the rest."

"But I don't want to rest."

"hmmmmmm..... then how about I teach you something. then will you sleep?"

This piques my interests. I love learning. "Teach me what?"

"something about SOULs. that sound cool?"


Frisk studies Sans for a if trying to find out what he's planning... they argue in hushed whispers for a bit until it seems that Sans wins.

"i have to know. we have to know." He says.

Frisk frowns, clearly not agreeing with this.

I scowl and cough into my hand loudly. If there's one thing I hate, its being treated like im not there. Must be from an old pet peeve from back when I was a ghost..... Or maybe I'm just like every other kid out there. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." they both say at the same time.

"I'm going to go to bed. 'Night, Chara." Frisk says, not meeting my eyes.

I frown. Something's going on. And it won't end well for me.

~Sans' POV~

I'm not stupid. there's something wrong here....there's something off about her. I've always known Chara was different from everyone else; it's pretty obvious. Well to anyone who's a Monster at least. She has this.... aura of magical energy that surrounds her. It's not unlike one of a young monster who has yet to tap into their magical abilities...except this energy is darker and more sinister.... And stronger.

It worries me.... and that's why I'm going to do what I'm about to do without any regret. Not for any reason other than the fact I'm worried for the safety of my family... well the fact I'm curious too.

"go ahead and get comfy, sit down."

She nods and sits up Her usually slightly rosy cheeks are flushed bright red. Her eyes are brighter and slightly glassy. Both are due to the fever she has. She's wearing her old green and cream sweater with her hoodie over it, probably to retain warmth, but she's still shivering.

"hmmm...on second thought maybe you should go back to sleep, kiddo." I say worriedly.

"Awwww....please don't make me be bedridden for a week," she begs. "Besides, I wanna learn about SOULs!"

I sigh. "fine.... but after I teach you something you're going to bed."

She nods. "Okay."

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