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***Fair Warning. I love music, so almost every chapter I publish will have a YouTube video. Make fun of my music and I will end you. If I have any other media (Like a picture) then if you're using the mobile app, slide the top to the right. If you're using desktop then there are arrow keys at the top. Just click 'em. (I'm only saying this because my idiot self just figured this out)***

We walk out of the school building on the last day of the first semester to snow falling silently around us.

"Look, Chara! It's snowing!"

"I see that, Frisk," I say, looking up at the sky.

Large flakes of pure white fall softly around us. The ground outside our school is already covered.

"What, Frisk, haven't you seen snow before?" Asriel's voice, slightly more gravely than Frisk's, sounds to my  right.

"No, I haven't." He says.

"What?" I say, startled. I look at him, "what about Snowdin?"

"Well yeah, of course I saw plenty of snow there, and I saw snow falling during the fight with Papyrus."

I flinch subconsciously. You saw snow three times, Frisk. I think to myself, I remember.

Frisk doesn't notice. Or if he does, he doesn't call me out on it. "This is the first time I've seen snow on the surface."  He finishes.

He smiles at me, a smile that rapidly fades when he sees the look on my face. "Um...Chara? Is there something wrong?"

I paste a smile back on my face again. "'s's nothing."

He opens his mouth like he wants to something, but then seems to think better of it. I see in the corner of my eye Asriel looking concerned.

"Come on." I say, ignoring them both, "We should start walking."

Asriel looks doubtfully into what's quickly becoming a tunnel of snow. "I don't fancy walking in this."

"All the more the reason to start walking now," I say stubbornly. I step off the concrete steps and march in the general of the house.

Home's about a mile away, which is about a 30 minute walk. It's along a straight road with forests on both sides and pretty much nothing else. As we walk, it starts to snow a little harder. I look on the ground. We already have an inch of snow. My face spreads into an unholy grin.

"Chara, what are you thinking," Asriel says, looking wary. He's been victim to my practical jokes many times over.

"Oh....nothing." I say nonchalantly.

"I don't believe you," He says, speeding up. Frisk follows suite.

I grin wickedly and scoop up some snow in one hand. I run up behind Frisk, grab his hoodie and pour the whole lot down it.

He shivers and jumps away from me, "God damn it , Chara!" He yells. "I  knew you were up to something. Jesus, that's cold."

I stoop down to get more snow.

"Hey Chara!"

I look up to Azzy looking at me mischievously, with a hand behind his back.

"What?" I say while packing the snow together into a snowball behind my back.

"It's ICE TO MEET YOU!" He yells as he lightly throws a bunch of unpacked snow at my face.

I dive to the side so the snow barely hits me. As I'm on the ground  I throw my snowball at Asriel. I know it hits him from the cussing I hear in his general direction.

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