Ruins I

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"Wait, you're leaving me!?" Frisk panics when Toriel tells him she'll be leaving for a while.

She smiles, "do not fret my child, I will give you a phone, so you can contact me. Just stay put, and you will be fine."


She leaves and we wait 5 minuites.

Frisk's phone rings.

"Hello! This is Toriel! My errands are taking longer than I thought they would. You must wait five more minutes."

"Okay..." Frisk says.

Thank you for being patient."

"Your welcome." He says politely.

We wait five more minutes. I start poking around the room,  because I'm bored. I always keep Frisk in sight, but I'm starting to get restless. Frisk sits on the ground with his head propped on his hands, looking around, interested.

"Hey, Frisk?" I say.

"Maybe we should just walk to her house....."

"No way! I'm not taking the chance!"

"Alright...." I say doubtfully, "Just a suggestion...."

Toriel calls again.

"Hello! This is Toriel. I found what I was looking for. But before I could take it... a small white puppy snatched it away."

"A small puppy...?" Frisk sounds confused.

"Yes, how odd." She says, sounding equally as puzzled.

"Yeah, that's weird," I agree.

"Do dogs even like flour?" She asks quizzically.

My ears perk up, "Flour....?"

"Errr, that is an unrelated question, of course. It will take a little longer. Please understand."

"Okay." Frisk says, not sounding upset at all.

Uuuugh this kid's patience annoys me.

five more minutes later.....

"Bored buh bored," I sigh, with my feet propped up against the column in a way so that I 'm lying on the ground, looking at Frisk upsidedown.

Frisk's phone rings again, and I sit up.

There's silence for a moment, then....heavy panting on the other end of phone....? Then there's barking. Distantly we can hear Toriel, "Stop, please! Come back here with my cellphone!"

Me and frisk are at loss for words.


"Yeah, Chara?"

"I don't think she's coming back."

"I'm still staying here, Chara! Deal with it!"

"Uuuugh, fine."

five minutes later....

I stop doing stupid tricks in the air to amuse me and Frisk when the phone rings. (being a ghost does have some benefits; one of which is being able to fly. I walk most of the time though. It seems to make fallen humans more at ease with my presence.)

Me and Frisk stare at the phone as we listen to the snoring coming from it. Toriel can be heard distantly...."Helloooo? Little puppy...? Where are you? I will give you a nice pat on the head!"

The snoring stops suddenly, and Toriel continues, "If you return my cellphone."

The snoring resumes.

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