Fallen Down

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Oh shit. I turn around and walk towards the center of the room, hoping fervently-

I stop in my tracks.

No. Nonononono. Not again. I'd rather the stupid flower.....

Lying in a crumpled heap on the flowers is a kid. A human.

Aw crap.

They twitch. "Ow..."

I sigh, but I go kneel next to them.

"Oi. Hey."

Maybe they're dead? I think hopefully. No, then I would've seen their SOUL. A chill creeps down my spine. And Flowey would've, too....

"Hey, kid? Now would be a great time to wake up." I go to shake their shoulder but stop at the last moment. I snap my fingers next to their head instead. "Come on, come on." I hiss under my breath. "Please?"

They stir and I breathe a sigh of relief. I sit cross legged and wait for them to come to, knowing this takes time.

They roll over so that they are facing me. They rub their head but still have their eyes closed "Ow. What happened...why does my head hurt?"

Unlike monsters, I recognize that their voice is one of a guy's. A bit high pitched, but he's probably around 10 or 11, so that's to be expected. I'm not one to judge; I've been 11 years old for longer than I can remember.

He opens his eyes and sees me about three inches away from him. "What the-" He sits up on the bed of flowers.

" 'Sup." I say with a little wave.

Huh. Well, hello mirror. He looks just like me, with  medium length hair and a striped shirt. Granted, his is blue with pink stripes, and he doesn't have red eyes, and he has a far darker complexion than I do, but, you know what I mean. 

"Who are you...." He seems really out of it.

Well that won't last long.

"Heya," I say with a tired smile. "Me? I'm your new best friend."


"What's your name?" I ask him.

"I'm Frisk." He says.

"Frisk, huh? That's a nice name." I tell him. I get up. "Well, Frisk. If I were you, I'd get up and start walking."

"Uh....Okay," He tries to get up, and stumble.  He looks around. "My stick...." He spots it next to him. "There you are." He uses the stick to support himself, since it's almost his height.

"Good." I say, "Are you ready?"

He nods, and I start to walk forward, with him following.

The kid doesn't seem to notice the flowers don't move when I step through them, or that I don't make a sound as I walk.

We walk out of the room and up a corridor-

"Shit." I stop in my tracks for the second time in five minutes.

Oh no. I was hoping that I'd have time to tell Frisk about the way things work down here before his first encounter....

I don't know what the hell the flower is, but it can't be a monster or a human. The things I've seen it do....And every time the world seemed to just....reset. I've lived- er, existed through thousands of resets. I don't know what else to call them. No one else seems to have any memory of them. Except me and Flowey.

And why does that first encounter have to be Flowey!? I stare at the golden flower in front of me with growing dread.

"Why'd you stop?" Frisk peers out from behind me.

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