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I wake up with a groan, feeling like crap. My nose feels like its about to explode from how stuffy it is.I shiver violently and go back to sleep, feeling like i'd gotten hit by a truck from how much i hurt all over.

Where the hell did this come from?!?!

What feels like just a few heartbeats later, Azzy yells, "IT'S CHRISTMAS." He belly flops on top of me.

"Ow, Azzy that hurts!" I gasp for breath.

He gets off me. ANd says, "Sorry....But c'mon you two! It's Christmas!"

Frisk is still snoring on the bunk above mine. Damn him and his selective hearing....
"Sorry Azzy. I don't really feel like getting up right now..." I mumble weakly.
"There's gonna be chocolate!" He says in a sing song voice.
"I'll take a rain check." I insist.

He frowns. "You okay? You never pass up an opportunity to have chocolate..."

I keep shivering as I admit, "I feel kinda sick."

He feels my forhead woth a paw. "You do feel a little warm....."

"Frisk!" Azzy stands up on my bunk and pokes him.
"What?" He says drowsily. "If you're waking me up to show me how pretty the moon looks again, I will literally slap you." He says, going back to sleep.
"I think Chara's sick." Azzy says.
The moment Azzy says my name Frisk is wide awake. "What about Chara?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.
"Chara's sick."

He climbs down the ladder and feels my forehead. "Holy crap you're burning up.... I'll go get Toriel...
"Thanks...." I cough, wincing as the action jars my head. I have a seriously bad headache.

Merry Christmas to me. Ugh, I think as Mom walks into the room and takes my temperature.

"Oh dear...." She says, looking at the thermometer with worry. Frisk and Azzy have identical expressions on their face.

"Well don't leave me in suspense...." I try to joke and then end up dissolving into another coughing fit.

"You have a 104 degree fever...." Frisk says.

"Oooo." I wince. "No wonder I feel like crap..."

"That's bad?" Papyrus shows up behind Mom.

"Yes." She says, looking kind of scared. "I'll go google your symptoms...." She goes to get her phone. I look at Azzy and Frisk who are explaining to Papyus and Sans that the average human temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Anything above that is bad-" Frisk starts.

"Actually, my average temperature is about 99.1." I chuckle.

They laugh. "So you literally aren't as cool as us...." Azzy jokes.

"Nah. I'm cooler and hotter than you." I wink and do that finger guns thing.

They laugh even harder. "cocky much?" Sans chuckles.

"You know it." I laugh.

Mom comes back. "You have the flu, you'll feel like this for a while longer...."

"Damn." mumble.

"But we'llstill have a Merry Christmas." Azzy and Papyrus say, looking determined.

"Heheheh." I chuckle. "Of course...."

This is gonna be a long week.....

"First things first..." Mom says. "You need plenty of rest and fluids...."

"I'll go dampen a washcloth for your forehead." Papyrus says, running off.

"I got the water..." Azzy runs after him.

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