Chapter 56

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Taehyung's POV

I could hardly see due to all of the tears blurring my vision. I was in so much physical and emotional pain.

It was suffocating.

I hang my head lower, I had no where to turn to. My only option was to hang out, outside in the main area where there were few couches scattered around the room.

No one was present thankfully, they were either in their bed, sleeping or in my room partying. I sigh, huddling further into the black pullover that Namjoon had picked out for me earlier today.

I was beyond freezing, the stupid doors kept opening and closing every so often due to the wind.

My tears were more silent now, I didn't make a sound, frighten incase someone hears me.

'It's okay Taehyung, everything's going to be're just being dramatic that's all. Who cares that Yoongi doesn't like you?'

An accidental whimper escapes my lips, 'shit, I do.'

"Taehyung?" My head whirls round to find Jungkook walking in through the doors, his hands shoved into his sweatpants pockets.

"J-Jungkook?" I mumble back, my face itchy and humiliated at the fact he's caught me on one of my off moments yet again.

"Shit, Tae?" Jungkook practically jumps over a couch to get closer to me.

But instead of looking cool and badass, he looked like baby giraffe, clumsy but still manages to look cute.

He face plants it onto the couch just across from where I was sitting causing a giggle to escape my lips.

"Oww, that was a lot more cooler in my head." He mutters, rubbing at the side of his face before gazing up at me.

His eyes held me, like we were the only two left in the world.

This was the first time in about a week that I have seen him. Especially after the whole kiss incident.

"Why were you crying?" He asks, coming closer to me. "Did Yoongi hurt you?" His voice turns cold as his eyes narrow.

I shake my head quickly, 'well he didn't hurt me physically anyway.'

"W-why were y-y-you outs-side?" I stutter, still struggling to contain my sadness. He lets out a sigh, "Hoseok got drunk, I called him a taxi and helped him out to it. He's such a lightweight." He chuckles mostly to himself.

I nod, biting down on my lower lip while debating on whether I should ask or not.

"Hyung? C-can I stay w-w-with you t-tonight?" I whisper, half hoping he hears me, half hoping he doesn't.

His eyes soften, a comforting expression takes over his face. "Of course," he says a little too quickly, making his words almost jumble together.

I get up to follow him to his room but instead, I'm picked up bridal style. I panic, thinking I'm too heavy to be carried, "wait! Jungkook! It's fine, I can walk!" I try rationalising with him, hoping he'll put me down.


"You look tired, I think you should just rest now." His voice was soft and low, like a careless whisper in the wind.

My eyes did feel droopy but I fought it off. Jungkook walks up the first flight of stairs and I already feel bad.

Thankfully, the brunette's room was only on the second floor. He puts me down so that he can fish out his keys, unlocking it to reveal a room similar to mines.

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