Chapter 44

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Taehyung's POV

It was Friday, the day of the inspections and I couldn't help but fidget in my seat. My eyes would constantly glance up at the clock, inside the classroom.

Dreading the very moment it hits 3 o'clock.

I hope this plan goes well.

Mr Kim agreed to the deal of taking care of Maya. Namjoon was also on board and promised me that he would take me to Mr Kim's house every once in a while to see her, knowing that I would miss her greatly.

Sadly, Mr Kim wasn't able to take her in till Friday. I had to produce a plan then to quickly rush back to my dorm after school and sneak her out.

Mr Kim suggested that I meet him just outside the school gates to give him Maya over. I was just glad he agreed to taking her.

My yellow pencil patters against the desk, watching time go by slowly at a rather snails pace.

Only five more minutes.

I lick my lips, wetting them from the dryness as the clock hand ticks once again.

Four minutes.

My teacher's blabbering is a white noise in my head while I continue gawking. My heart was a thumping drum inside my chest at the burning adrenaline.

Another tick,

Three minutes.

My breathing was hitched in my throat.

Two minutes.

"Remember class to have your essays done by......" I couldn't even pay attention to my teacher, nervousness was probably painted all over my tanned face.

The echoing of the bell erupts and instantly I hop out of chair, darting straight for the door. I try my best not to shove or push other students out of the way since they were kinda blocking my pathway.

I hold in any curse words that I might throw at them, reminding myself that none of them are at fault here.

But time was tickling and I couldn't afford to waste it. My feet pelter hard against the floor, rushing through the sea of students till I reach outside.

I heave forward, holding onto my knees before taking off again. I hardly had any time to be taking a break, I have to get Maya out of there before Miss Ryu arrives.

Scurrying as fast as my feet can possibly take me. I feel almost instant relief when I reach the entrance to the dorms, a small grin begins to form on my lips.

Now I just have to grab Maya and make it down the street to Mr Kim's car.

My breathing was heavy as I take two steps at a time, in need to get in and back out without being caught.

I was highly aware that Miss Ryu is either on her way or is already inside the building so I had to be fast.

I unlock my door, practically tossing my school bag on my bed while I scoop up Maya. Luckily, Mr Kim already had all of her stuff and I disposed of anything dog related first thing this morning so we wouldn't be caught hiding things even when she's gone.

I stare down at the cute husky, a saddened smile plasters my lips.

This is it...I'm finally letting her go...but I guess it's not so bad, it's not like I wouldn't ever see her again.

I take a step to exit out of the dorm, grabbing a large burgundy jacket on my way out when Yoongi comes running into the room with a sense of panic in his expression.

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