Chapter 1

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Taehyung's POV

My feet stumble slowly into the busy lunch hall, students were crowded around small tables laughing and carrying on.

I sigh sadly, wanting school to be over with so I could go home.

Suddenly I feel my heart quicken, a large grin spreads across my lips as my eyes land on my best friend;


I could feel my smile instantly drop however when I spot the boy beside him.

His boyfriend, Jungkook.

They had been dating for almost two years now, ever since we entered high school. It was Jimin and I's 2nd year while Jungkook was a year above. He took up an interest in Jimin when we joined an after school club together.

Jimin would spend most of his time with Jungkook till he finally admitted his feelings for him.

Of course Jungkook felt the same and soon after they began dating. It crushed me, I've been in love with my best friend since we were 12 years old but I knew he could never love me back.

"Hey Jimin. Jungkook hyung." I nod at the taller boy who simply grunts in response, Jimin smiles lightly at me before returning back to his food. I plop down across from them, pulling out my homework. I wasn't hungry especially when I was around the both of them, it made me feel sick knowing that I wasn't the one Jimin loves.

Can't complain now, I was too late to confess.

I sigh, scribbling down some notes for my essay. Jungkook and Jimin quietly whisper among each other, filling in the background noises along with the loud chatters from the surroundings students. I try my hardest to not make eye contact with either of them.

You're probably thinking, 'why don't you just go and sit with someone else?'

Well I don't have any other friends, only Jimin.

My brown orbs briefly glance up from my papers to find both boys locking lips with one another, my throat stings while I hold back my broken tears. I suddenly notice that Jungkook's eyes are still wide open, staring at me.

"What're you looking at?" he hisses, breaking his raspberry lips away from Jimin's plumped ones that I would often only dream of kissing. Instantly I force my head down, focusing on my homework in front of me once again.

"N-nothing..." my voice comes out wobbly and weak, I hear Jungkook make a 'tch' noise before going back to focusing his attention on Jimin.

It hurts how Jimin would never stand up for me anymore. He would simply pretend like he never heard Jungkook bully me or giggle faintly at whatever insult the older boy throws my way.

I swiftly pick my notes up, getting prepared to leave as the tears were welling up, ready to spill any second when Jungkook shouts over a familiar boy.

"Yoongi! Over here!" I freeze at the name Jungkook was speaking of. It was the very boy I had been afraid off ever since I entered this school.

The black haired boy waltz his way towards our table, I inhale deeply continuing to stare at the red table we were sat at.

"Jungkook. Jimin." Yoongi nods at both boys, I could then feel his attention finally fall onto me, "who the fuck is this?" He asks with amusement yet ill-manners.

"He's my best friend," Jimin squeaks, my eyes trail over to the small boy while a deep blush creeps up onto both of our faces.

Jungkook huffs, "he's honestly really annoying."

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