Chapter 10

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"Jimin! I'm here to pick you u-" Jungkook's voice stops once he sees the both of us in bed. He pauses, his hand still on the handle while I jump away from Jimin.

I watch as Jungkook's face morphs into anger, I quiver under the sheets.

"Relax Jungkook, Tae just stayed the night because Yoongi's an ass." Jimin simply states, rubbing at his face before climbing out of bed.

Jungkook frowns his eyebrows at his boyfriend, "what do you mean?"

Jimin glances back at me, asking with his eyes if it was okay to tell Jungkook. I slowly nod my head giving him permission,

Jimin sighs, "Yoongi kissed Tae, he took his first kiss."

Jungkook oddly freezes up at Jimin's words. If he wasn't mad before he was definitely pissed now.

"I'm sorry what? It sounded like you said he kissed him." He spoke with such calmness in his voice that it actually scared me. I sink further into the bed, frightened by this kind of Jungkook.

Jimin rolls his eyes, "it's fine. Just leave it."

He was busy searching through his closet for something that the both of us could wear, (A/n: lets pretend that Jimin and Taehyung are the same height so Taehyung is small.) while Jungkook heads straight back out the door.

"Hey! Where're you going? I thought you wanted to go out for breakfast?!" Jimin shouts as he walks out the room to peer his head over the banister.

"Not hungry anymore, I forgot I have an assignment to hand in. I'll catch up with you at school." Jungkook answers back before we hear the slam of Jimin's front door.

"Strange. He never does any of his assignments." Jimin shrugs it off, moving back over to me while hold up a black sweatshirt, black jeans and a snapback to cover my messy bed hair.

"Since Jungkook ditched me, wanna go grab some food? I'll buy." Jimin asks, while he yanks on a dark grey hoodie.

A small smile plays on my lips while I nod in response, pulling the sweatshirt Jimin gave me over my head.

Yoongi's POV

"Yoongi! Wake the fuck up!" Loud banging was coming from my dorm room door. I grumble in my sleep, annoyance radiating off my body. I slip out of bed, throwing a pair of black boxers on before unlocking the door.

Jungkook steps in, irritation seeping in his expression,

"You." His voice low and deadly, my forehead frowns into creased lines.

I hear shuffling behind me causing Jungkook's eyes to fall onto the blonde bitch I slept with yesterday. My friend scoffs in disgust,


"W-what?" The girl asks, trying to cover herself up with Taehyung's sheets,

That's right.

I fucked someone on his bed again.

"I said get the fuck out!" His voice booms across the room. The girl jumps, collecting her shit before leaving.

"What the fuck is up with y-" I never had the chance to finish my sentence since he punches me square in the face. I stumble back before regaining myself,

"Eh the fuck? What the hell are you doing?!" I hiss viciously, getting into his face.

"You kissed him!" He shoves at my bare chest but I hold my ground, keeping myself up.

"So? Why do you care?" I raise one eyebrow at him, suddenly Jungkook's face pales.

My eyes widen, " like Taehyung don't you?" My words slow and unsure. Jungkook lets out a nervous chuckle, averting his eyes away from my face.

"Of course not! I'm dating Jimin you idiot. Taehyung is Jimin's best friend. I'm just looking out for him that's all..." he trails off, rubbing his neck with his palm till a large red patch is left on his neck.

"Maybe you should stay out of Taehyung's business. I'm pretty sure Jimin wouldn't appreciate you crushing on his best friend now would he?" I question in a hush tone.

Jungkook gulps but doesn't look away from me, "just stay away from Taehyung. He doesn't need someone like you to mess with his feelings."

I smirk,

If I didn't now any better, I would think he actually does have a crush on Taehyung.

"I can't avoid him completely, remember roommates." I point at the beds, reminding him that Taehyung is my roommate and it's nearly impossible to avoid someone you live with.

"Don't touch him then. If you do and I find out, I'll make sure you regret it."

I make a tch noise as he moves towards the door,

"Oh." He turns around making my eyes meet his once more,

"And if you do hurt Taehyung again, I'll make sure to make him my roommate instead, after all I'm still looking for one." He smirks before slamming my door.

I groan in frustration, running my hand through my hair, messing it up even more before flopping down on my bed.

Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung please." Jimin whines, tugging on my sleeve while we walk down the hallway together.

"Jimin...I-I can't tell you who it is, I'm sorry." Jimin has been trying all morning to find out who I like. It feels like I'm being tortured for my feelings now.

I sigh, placing some books in my locker before shutting it over, Jimin was busy scanning a bunch of seniors, asking every so often if so and so was my crush.

"Jimin..." the blonde haired boy whirls his head to the side so that he's staring at me,

I heave,

Maybe I should just tell him the truth.


"-hey!" Jungkook appears next to Jimin, giving him a peck on the cheek. My lips curve downwards at the scene, I purse my lips.

Jungkook looks over at me, something flashes in his eyes, he nods his head at me which I return back.

"Sorry what were you saying Tae?" Jimin asks, turning his attention back to me.

"Ahh it's nothing." I laugh it off, my hands waving in front of me in dismissal.

"Oh." Jimin then rotates himself to focus on Jungkook, "so did you get your assignment in on time?"

"Huh? Aww yeah." Jungkook slings an arm over Jimin's shoulder. I take that as my cue to leave, making an excuse that I have to get to class early.

I saunter down the hallway, staring into the abyss while I stroll pass multiple classes. My classroom was at the other side of the school, so I take slow steps to kill time.

Suddenly I knock right into someone, "I'm so sorry." I squeak, helping the person up.

"It's okay." The deep voice chuckles, he takes my hand while I pull him up.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Oh God, I've made you drop all your papers. I'm really really sorry." I splutter out, getting to my knees to clean up the mess.

"Baby, what have I told you about getting on your knees for other people." A voice behind me teases,

Uh oh.

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