3.public - kyung-hoon

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boy x girl

Kyung-Hoon walks into the Knowing Bros set today seeing everyone there except for Ho-Dong.

"You are trending on the news." Jang-hoon said. Everyone stopped their conversations to listen in.

"Why is he trending?" Heechul asked.

"Have you not been on the internet recently?" Young-chul asked. Heechul shakes his head.

"Kyung-Hoon!" Ho-Dong screams as he runs into the room. He sees Kyung-Hoon and gives him a hug. "Congratulations." He said.

"Thanks." Kyung-Hoon said and takes a seat at the table.

"I'm lost." Sang-Min said.

"Kyung-Hoon is currently in a relationship with Willow Kang." Jang-hoon replied.

"The Korean American metal artist?" Soo-geun asked. "How did that happen?" He added.

"We've actually been dating for-" Kyung-Hoon started but the door opened and in walks in the person of the hour, Willow.

"We've been dating for almost a year." She said and smirked. She was wearing red plaid pants, a white button up, black combat boots and a black and red tie. Kyung-Hoon was shocked to see her.

"Aga. Are you going to just stare at me or are you going to love me?" Willow said as she started to pout and give grabby hands.

Ho-Dong awed and Kyung-Hoon couldn't help but smile. He walked over to her with wide arms and Willow smiled widely as she ran to him and hugged him while wrapping her legs around his waist.

"You're a lot nicer then I thought you would be." Heechul said.

"I'm actually a hopeless romantic so when I'm in a relationship I become cute. My personality outside of my relationship is very similar to Heechul's." Willow explained.

"It actually is now that I think about it." Kyung-Hoon said as he sets her down. He went to go back to his seat by Willow still had a hold on him.

"What?" He asked. Willow puckered her lips. Kyung-Hoon smiled and pecked his lips. Willow smiled back and set him free.

"How did you guys meet?" Heechul asked.

"We actually ran into each other while I was hanging out with my best friend, Jessi." Willow explained.

"You know Jessi?" Jang-hoon asked.

"They've known each other since they were in diapers." Kyung-Hoon replied.

"I'm glad to know that you actually listen to us." Willow said.

"I always listen to you." He added.

"Anyways, when we ran into each other, Jessi introduced us and we honestly didn't know each other. We didn't know that the other was famous as I never heard of Buzz and has been way to busy to watch Television and he doesn't listen to metal music." Willow started.

"She is a very straightforward person and asked me on a date. I was going to refuse but Jessi was there and I thought both of them would beat my ass. We actually went on a date that night and got to know each other. I slowly developed feelings for her throughout the night because we had very similar interests and we just felt comfortable around each other. I then asked her for another date." Kyung-Hoon said.

"We soon started dating and the rest is history." Willow added.

- the car ride to Willow's apartment - 

Willow was leaning against Kyung-Hoon while playing with his fingers. Kyung-Hoon just looked down at her and smiled softly. 

"So who's idea was it to be on Knowing Bros?" He asked. 

"Me. I wanted to meet your friends." Willow replied. "I also missed you. We have been away from each other for a month." She added and pouted. Kyung-Hoon chuckled softly and pecked her lips. 

"I missed you too." He whispered softly. Willow smiled back and kissed his hand. 

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Willow asked as she looked out the window. A smirk appeared on Kyung-Hoon's face as one hand slightly went up Willow's shirt. Willow knew what Kyung-Hoon wanted and just chuckled. 

"Kyung-Hoon. Maybe later. I'm not in the mood right now." Willow explained. Kyung-Hoon then pouted causing Willow to lean up and kiss him. "We will later. I promise. Why don't we watch tv and cuddle when we get home?" She asked. 

"Can you make food?" He asked. Willow nodded. "Okay." He said and pecked her lips softly. 

"I love you." She whispered softly. 

"I love me too." Kyung-Hoon replied earning a smack in the back of the head from Willow. He chuckled softly. "I love you too, Willow." He added. 

"You sure know how to kill the romance." Willow mumbled. 

"I also know how to bring the romance. Remember for our 6 month anniversary." Kyung-Hoon pointed out. Willow smiled at the memory. Kyung-Hoon spoiled her with gifts and affection. He made her favorite meal and stayed by her side all day. It was one of her most memorable day as it was also the first time he said I love you and Willow gave him the keys to her place. 

"That is true." Willow said and smiled. "I wouldn't change that day." She added. 

"Neither would I." Kyung-Hoon replied and kissed her head. They continued to sit in a comfortable silence happy to have each other by their side. 

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