'dying to see your brother in the traditional clothes' Kajol whispered

'you are acting like it is the first Diwali! you have seen him before' Amira said wondering

'no, but two years passed, he became older and sexier' Kajol said and winked, Amira just kept blinking, and she didn't know what to say.

'where is Meera by the way?' Kajol asked

'at Auntie Poja's room, she said she would take care of clothing her and combing he hair, Shivan is with Shahrukh'

'I have finished' Kajol said when she finished tying the Sari for Amira then said 'so let's go annoy the boys'

'yes, let's go' Preity said happily, she stood up and all went to Shahrukh's room, Kajol opened the door without knocking and went in, all followed her. Shahrukh was standing in front of the dressing table, combing Shivan's hair, Shahrukh noticed them, put the comb on the dressing table and headed towards them. Kajol automatically smiled when she saw him combing Shivan's hair, Shahrukh was such a caring person in the inside, Kajol nearly dropped her jaw when she saw his clothes.

'what is this for?' Shahrukh asked Kajol gesturing to the door, Kajol shrugged her shoulders, Shahrukh held her had, made a fist and placed it on the door 'you... should... knock' he said, slightly angry.

'but both of you were already dressed' Kajol pouted, he shook his head and left her hand, all went in his room.

'is that an invasion?' Shahrukh asked all of them

'yes' Preity said happily, at the same time Kajol headed to Shahrukh's dressing room and held his perfume, Shahrukh rolled his eyes and sighed.

'what are you thinking of? it is for men!' Shahrukh uttered when Kajol sprayed perfume at the back of her hand, she looked back at him, then headed towards him 'so let's spray some on you' Kajol said and started spraying perfume at him and he started stepping back.

'this is too much, i have already sprayed enough' Shahrukh said placing his palms in front of his clothes

'no no it smells good, let's put some more, hold him Preity' Kajol said happily, Preity held Shahrukh's arms and Kajol kept spraying

Shahrukh looked at Amira 'any help please?' Rani burst out laughing suddenly that everyone looked at her, Shahrukh took the chance and snatched the bottle from Kajol's hand.

'guys i really love you together' Rani said through her laughs

'i love us together too' Kajol said holding Shahrukh's arm to hers, Shahrukh quickly put his another arm around Preity's shoulder and pulled her closer to him 'happy family' Shahrukh said coldly through his teeth.

'gotcha!' Amira suddenly said, she went to the door and put her hands over Meera's shoulders who was standing near the door watching them, she took her in, then Amira felt stupid and was about to take Meera out again, it won't be easy if Rani and Meera are in the same room.

'no wait' Rani said to Amira, Rani opened her arms and gestured to Meera to come to her. Meera moved slowly towards her.

'still angry with mom?' Rani said sadly to Meera and Meera nodded sadly so Rani added ' but you know how much i love you'

'but mom lied, mom is bad' Meera said sadly, tears forming in her eyes.

'Meera, do you remember what Shahrukh and i told you?' Preity asked sweetly and Meera nodded silently, she remembered their words and seemed a little convinced.

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