Chapter 2

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Shahrukh entered his sister's room, he didn't inform anyone that he is coming back on this day so his luggage were left there until they clean his room, he opened one of the bags and took out black sports pants and a black t shirt, he went in to the bathroom and ran a bath. Many things were running in his head, two years away from home, from his sister. Those two years have been very rough, Amira was right, he looked pale and thin. Actually He couldn't sleep well or eat well, and he had to be working 24/7. His uncle has been very generous with him; he helped him to finish his studies and gave him a job, so he has to work hard to repay him. He also allowed him and his sister to live in his house. His uncle trusted him so he allowed him to supervise the accounts and the calculations in his company in London, which was the worst thing that have ever happened to him; people his uncle trusted cheated him and defrauded him and many calculations were wrong and false. That would put them in a big trouble with the tax firms, but thank god that Arjit had send Shahrukh right on time to solve this problem. Arjit was so kind with him and his sister, but Shahrukh hate to owe anyone anything, even his loving uncle.

Shahrukh felt dizzy for standing for long time under the shower, he put off the water, dried his body with a towel, put on his clothes and stepped out of the bathroom. He headed towards the bed, lied down and put his head on the pillow and fell asleep at once.

'Come on, you checked on him, let him sleep' said Kajol, she was nearly whispering, Amira nodded and they shut the door of her room, where Shahrukh was sleeping.
'You are still here? Why didn't you go to college?' Poja was surprised to see Kajol and Amira, they were coming down stairs.
'I don't have any lectures today' Amira said
'and I don't feel like going to college today, and we have to help Rani in the kitchen today'Kajol said
Poja sighed 'as you wish' then Amira and Kajol headed towards the kitchen to help Rani and Preity went to the garden to play with Meera and Shivan.

Amira didn't stop smiling since Shahrukh came back, she felt like a piece of her heart was away from her body, and she finally felt safe. She was 21 years old but she will remain a child always in her brother's view, he was so protective when it comes to his sister.

There was a change in plans, they planned to cook some meals but now they have to cook Shahrukh's favorite meals, it was Rani's idea, she also noticed that he looked pale and tired when he came back and it is not from the flight, she knew that he didn't eat well so she decided to make all the meals he like.

Their routine was to wait for Arjit until he comes back from work then they all have lunch, or maybe dinner, they could eat some snacks in the middle of the day but lunch time is according to Arjit's time. This all started since Poja was a new bride in this house, she used to wait for him until he comes back but after that everyone had to follow this routine. Shivan and Meera were out of this routine, they could eat all of them if they stayed hungry so they had to feed them early.

'Papa has arrived, should we wake Shahrukh up?' Kajol asked Rani while they were in the kitchen.
'let him sleep for a while, he looked so tired' Rani replied
'no he isn't' Shahrukh said taking one of the Laddus (sweets)
'no sweets before lunch' Preity said slapping his hand
'ouch, only one' Shahrukh pouted
'no' Preity said firmly
'Children' Rani said shaking her head and Kajol laughed
'Where is Amira by the way?' Shahrukh asked, taking one of the laddus in secret
'Amira is here, I was putting the plates out with Anarkali' Amira said grinning 'come on hurry up, uncle Arjit is hungry' she said to all of them
'ok , only one minute' Kajol said
Shahrukh put his arm around his sister's shoulder, and ate the Laddu.
'Rani!!' Preity shouted and looked at Rani when she saw Shahrukh eating from the sweets.
'Grow up both of you. Shahrukh get out and we will follow you' Rani said, and then the girls went out with the pots and put them on the table.

'Sit somewhere else, this is my chair' Shahrukh said pushing Preity away jokingly
'ugh, yaar this is so unfair, I like this chair; it is in front of Rani' Preity pouted
'why do you want to be in front of Rani? Can't you eat alone? Rani has to feed you with her hands?' Shahrukh said sarcastically, Poja and Arjit started laughing at them.

'Now you have four children not only two' Arjit said to Rani laughing
'I am starving, discuss the seat issue later' Kajol said pushing Shahrukh and Preity then she sat down to her seat
'why so serious?' Preity looked at Shahrukh questionably and they laughed.
He sat down and looked at Kajol 'this is how you say welcome to me after all this long time?' she didn't reply him; she just raised an eyebrow and started eating.
'Ok, so ladies and gentle men, no presents for Kajol' Shahrukh said firmly
'presents? you are so sweet Shahrukh' Rani said smiling 'you shouldn't have'
'I wish I could bring more presents to all of you but I didn't have much time' he smiled
'that is so sweet of you Shahrukh' Arjit said 'so how was everything there?'
'I will tell you everything after lunch' he responded
'dinner' Amira commented
Shahrukh giggled then continued 'and I have prepared a report about all what had happened there and all the calculations you need to know' Shahrukh explained
'I am so proud of you' Arjit said smiling

'tell him about what Amira did for Kajol, he will feel proud of her' Poja said smiling
'oh yeah, Kajol had a horrible headache, Amira made her one of your father's syrups and it really helped, she is so like him, he always had interest in herbs and chemicals' Arjit said
Shahrukh smiled at Amira, put his arm around her, he closed his eyes and kissed her head then they parted and he started eating. Preity was about to grab the glass of water in front of her but Shahrukh took it and started drinking water.
'There is another one in front of you' Preity said, she tried to take the one in front of him but he put it away, all of them laughed.
'Children' Shahrukh and Preity said at the same time looking at Rani who laughed hard at them.

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