Chapter 23

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Rani was sitting at the edge of the bed next to Meera; placing a cotton handkerchief in a bowl of water, then gently placing it on Meera's little forehead and trying to decrease her temperature. The door of the room was opened and Preity came in.

'How is she now?' Preity said sitting in front of Rani
'I am doing my best' Rani said and sighed 'she will sleep with me here in the room, I don't want Shivan to be sick too'
'and you need to sleep too Rani, go sleep in my room and I will stay with her'
'no, I am fine'
Preity rolled her eyes 'don't be stubborn, you are like Shahrukh' Preity shook her head then said 'he doesn't look okay by the way, last night when I came into your room and found you doing the calculations, he seemed extremely exhausted and he could barely stand up, he is trying to look stronger but I feel that there is something strange about him'
Rani giggled 'you left romance and now you are watching Sherlock Holmes's films'
'shut up' Preity slapped Rani's thigh jokingly 'go to sleep, I will stay with Meera, you need rest'
Rani rolled her eyes 'fine'

Preity grabbed the bowl and put another handkerchief over Meera's forehead, Meera remained mumbling and speaking in her sleep calling her dad.
'You poor thing' Preity said squeezing Meera's hand, the door was opened again and Preity looked back to see who is it.

'How is Meera now?' Kajol asked when she came in. Preity shook her head 'I thought that you were Rani, Meera is still feverish'
Kajol sat in front of Preity at Rani's place 'and where is Rani?' Kajol asked
'oh she is sleeping in my room' Preity said changing the handkerchief and placing another one.

'I thought she would be with Shahrukh' Kajol said
'no Shahrukh is with Amira I think'
'Shahrukh is free?' Kajol said suddenly and startled Preity
'yes he is' Preity giggled shaking her head, Kajol then started yawning and acting sleepy
'good night Kajol' Preity said rolling her eyes
'If you needed something call for me' Kajol said heading towards the door
'yeah, yeah' Preity said shaking her head sarcastically

Kajol was walking out of Rani's room when she saw Shahrukh at the end of the corridor heading towards his room.

'Shahrukh' Kajol called out, she walked big steps to reach him 'Shahrukh' she called out again when he finally looked back at her, and he was yawning.

'hey' she said with a smile
'umm, are you going to sleep?'
'I am about to enter my room and I am yawning and it has been a long day at work so I think yes I will sleep if you don't mind'
'are you ignoring me?' Kajol asked furrowing her eyebrows and crossing her arms and Amira's words jumping in her head.
'Why would I?' Shahrukh asked coldly raising an eyebrow while he has already tons of reasons to ignore her but he chose to act cold.

'Your behaviors'
'what do you mean?'
'I mean you find time to everyone, to Amira to Rani and to Preity and even the kids, I think you will find time for Anarkali later' she said in anger
'well I will think about that later, Anarkali is kinda cute' he said sarcastically and acting like he is thinking about it, that made her feel furious even if she knew that he is joking, but he isn't taking her seriously. She felt that her eyes started to be teary so she turned her back to him and walked away.

'Kajol' Shahrukh called her but continued walking 'Kajol' he said running after her, he placed his palm over her shoulder and made her stop. Kajol wiped her face with her fingers and looked back at him.

'I am sorry, don't be angry'
'you are ignoring me' she said without looking at him, she looked away.
'I am not, but you see that I am busy all the time at work and I am trying to not make Amira feel that I am away'
'no it is not about Amira, you find time to everyone' she said crossing her arms
'umm, it is by chance and you were busy with your studies'
'are you sure that that's all?'
He cleared his throat 'yeah, that's all' he smiled and said 'don't be angry, ok?'

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