Chapter 39

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'We should celebrate, no matter what' Rani suddenly said when they all were sitting to the table for breakfast 'make the preparations uncle, it is Diwali, the festival of light' she said leaving everyone in a shock. Rani was the most religious one in the family and she believed in miracles. Arjit smiled to her and nodded.

That was the first thing Rani uttered after nearly ten days of silence, she used to lock herself at her room and cry, not meeting anyone not even meeting Meera who has asked a lot about her, and Rani also barely eating anything. Rani couldn't look at her daughter's eyes, she was blaming herself for everything, her sadness was like the day her husband died, she felt like it has just happened and days didn't pass. On the other hand Meera's condition was getting slightly better everyday but uncle Arjit already made both of them see a psychiatrist. When Rani said her words Meera wasn't with them on the table, she was still asleep.

'yes beti' Arjit replied smiling, while everyone just looked at each other in a shock, they didn't know if Rani was really getting better or acting that she is getting better. No one could even say anything to her, she wasn't in a good condition for discussions.

'whenever we think that everything will be okay it gets worse instead' Shahrukh said under his breath

'what did you say?' Amira asked

'um, nothing, finish your breakfast' Shahrukh said with a short smile

While everyone was thinking of something clever to say, Rani spoke again 'how are you Shivan?'

'fine' shrugging his shoulders then continued eating

'how is Meera?'


'take good care of her Shivan and play with her'

'don't worry' Shivan said smiling

Preity barely touched her plate, she looked tired most of the time, but she was lucky that everyone was already busy with themselves and what happened with Rani and Meera, except Shahrukh, he was having a really bad feeling. Shahrukh wasn't so good with women's issues but he was sure that something bad is going with Preity, he saw that she is sick most of the time and felt that she might be pregnant. Preity couldn't meet his eyes most of the time, feeling that he may know anything about her secret as he used to look suspiciously at her, but he couldn't find a suitable to time talk to her, also his conversation with Saif about her made him so worried for her.

' I am so excited about the Diwali celebrations this year, finally the whole family is ....' Kajol was about to continue but she found her sentence not suitable, not the whole family is here, Anil isn't, Kajol swallowed and said ' I mean Shahrukh is finally here, he was looking forward to celebrate with us' Kajol said with a short smile, and realized that she should have been silent. Everyone reacted normally except Poja, even it was a normal sentence it drew her attention. Poja has noticed that Kajol has been acting strange around Shahrukh for a while. Poja gave Kajol a look that she didn't understand but she didn't feel good about it.

'I have lovely news for you Amira' Poja said smiling

'what?' Amira asked

'you know who is attending the celebrations with us?'

'hmm let me guess' Amira started thinking then said 'The Bachchans??!!!'

Shahrukh gave Amira a look which means 'what!'

'did you tell her?' Poja asked Arjit

'no he didn't, I just guessed' Amira said happily then continued 'it is good news for me because i really love Jaya auntie'

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