Chapter 22

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They all heard a knock on the door 'come in' Arjit said. Saif came in smiling; he waved happily to Amira then sat down with them on the meeting table. They all sat down to the meeting table and the men started speaking about work. Amira was just writing what did she learn and asking questions from time to time.

Amitabh was a friend to Arjit, but now he is his new partner. Arjit's company is an importing and exporting company, so is Amitabh's. They are working on integrating their companies together. After the tax crisis Arjit needed someone to share the company with him, but Amitabh suggested the integration and that would help them reduce the taxes for the both companies.

Shahrukh and Saif had to be present in this meeting; Shahrukh was now supervising all the calculations in the company so he had to know all the new details about the integration, Saif was responsible for the ads and the public relations with other companies so he had to be there to know the details about the new ads campaign before and after the integration. Later they would call the lawyers and start procedures and the legal transactions for the integration.

Abhishik had to be there because he works with his father at his company and soon he will supervise everything. Amitabh was just waiting after they finish all the papers and to discuss all the details then Abhishik will supervise his father's company in the next few months. Amitabh also spoke about organizing a party after signing the contracts for the both families and the important businessmen. The meeting was successful and Amitabh and his son left immediately after they finished.

'Pizza?' Shahrukh asked Amira when she and Saif were walking with him in the corridor leaving Arjit's office, she nodded and said 'come and eat with us Saif'
'I agree' Saif said happily and they walked towards Shahrukh's office.

The three of them sat around Shahrukh's desk, they were eating silently when Amira spoke suddenly 'I don't like Amitabh sir' Amira said taking a bite from the pizza
'why?' Shahrukh asked
'he is so strict, not like uncle Arjit' she pouted
'but he is good at his work and that's enough' Saif said smilingly
'yeah Saif is right, it is not important to love him; he is just here for work' Shahrukh said
'but his son is funny' Amira giggled
'yeah, he is a nice guy' Saif commented
'aren't you visiting us soon? We got used to you actually' Amira asked, Shahrukh stared at her but neither Amira nor Saif noticed
'I wish I can, but you see that we are really busy, but I will try' Saif said then continued 'how is everyone?'
'They are fine and they miss you' she said happily then looked at the clock hanged on the wall and widened her eyes 'oh my god time passed really fast'
'yeah it has' Saif said and stood up 'I have to go back to my office'

'Yeah you have to' Shahrukh said with a fake smile
'oh by the way, does Kajol have a Facebook account or whatsaap? You and Preity have both but I don't know about Kajol'
'no, she isn't interested in these things' Amira said
'Saif' Shahrukh said gesturing to his watch with his index finger
'oh yeah the time, see you later guys' Saif said and left the office

Shahrukh rested his head back on the chair and exhaled loudly placing his palms over his head.
'Are you okay?' Amira asked furrowing her eyebrows
'I am fine, just a headache. I will order for coffee' Shahrukh replied smiling then looked back at his files.

Amitabh and Abhishik were in the car, sitting in the back seats, Amitabh was looking at the streets through the window when Abhishik started talking.
'Nice people, I am happy that everything is going okay' Abhishik said smilingly
'I want you to know that I don't only want an economic partnership, I want a social partnership too' Amit explained
'what do you mean?'

'Ohh it has been a long day' Shahrukh said locking his seat belt
'you really tire yourself, lots of files you had to look in and lots of calculations you had to do to check everything' Amira said sympathetically
'your brother is workaholic dear' he said smiling wrapping his arm around her shoulder
'but this was too much, no one really works that much, I saw dozens of files on your desk' Amira said furrowing her eyebrows and shaking her head
'are you hungry?' he said
She rolled her eyes 'oh yeah change the topic, but the answer is no; the pizza did its work. All I need is to sleep' she said yawning 'I did nothing all the day and feel tired but what about you my dear brother' she said and rest her head back to the seat.
'I am fine' he said starting the car

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