Chapter 1

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P.S. 1- Read the introduction first :))
         2- If you want to imagine how i look (black curly hair reaching my shoulders, dark brown eyes and kinda medium height (not so tall) :))

'Stop it girls, let me sleep' said Preity covering her face with the blanket.

'no more sleeping, it is enough' said Kajol pulling off the blanket
'she wants to sleep to dream of Prince Charming who will come riding a white horse' Amira said sarcastically
'stop making fun of my dreams, both of you are heartless, you know nothing about love' Preity sat up and said angrily throwing a pillow over them.
'of course we know what love is' Amira said
'yeah, we love food' Kajol said and started laughing
'yeah yeah, you both eat and I gain weight' Preity said pushing them away from the bed to get off.

'I will be downstairs, watch her and don't let her go back to sleep' Amira said leaving the room
'ok boss' said Kajol
'I won't go back to sleep but at least let me wash my face, I will follow you' Preity said pushing Kajol out of the room laughing.

'Good morning Rani' Amira said hugging Rani
'good morning sweetie' said Rani smiling, Kajol followed her and said hi to Rani.
'Where is Preity?' Rani asked Kajol
'I hope that she didn't go back to sleep again' said Amira
'no she didn't' Preity said, she kissed Rani's cheek 'good morning didi'

'Good morning girls' said Arjit
'good morning uncle' they all responded, Kajol went and kissed his cheek 'good morning papa' Kajol said.
'Where is Auntie?' Rani asked
'oh here she comes' said Arjit smiling, he kissed Poja's hand then they all sat down to the table for breakfast. Poja was on Arjit's right side, Kajol on his left side. Rani was next to Poja and Amira was next to Kajol, Preity was on Amira's left, Shivan and Meera's seats in front of her and they are on Rani's right.
'Shivan, Meera, come to eat' Rani shouted, two young children came running from the garden and went towards Arjit politely and kissed his cheek 'good morning uncle' they both said.
'Good morning my sweet children' he said smiling then both of them sat politely to the table.

'How is your head now Kajol?' Poja asked
'it is better now mom, thanks. It was a terrible headache, but that magical syrup Amira made for me really helped, what was that Amira?' said Kajol
Amira smiled and said 'it is one of my father's secrets'
'god bless his soul' Arjit said in a sad tone, Amira gave him a short smile.
'Why did you wake up late today Preity?' Rani said while sipping her tea
'she was watching a romantic film' Kajol giggled and Preity rolled her eyes
'stop playing with your phone and eat' said Poja to Amira
'she must be calling Shahrukh' Preity said
'I have been calling him all morning now and he isn't responding, I don't know what's wrong with his phone' said Amira in worried tone looking at her phone, Kajol patted on her shoulder 'don't worry, he will reply; maybe he is just busy. Now eat your breakfast and calm down, or he will think that we don't feed you'
Amira smiled and started eating, they all were busy with breakfast so no more topics were opened. Shivan and Meera were the first to finish breakfast 'thanks mom' they said
'you are welcome my sweet pies' said Rani smiling
'I will get ready for work, thanks Rani for the breakfast'
'you are welcome uncle' she smiled and then looked at Kajol and Amira and said 'it is your turn for Lunch'
'yeah yeah' they said at the same time
Poja laughed and said 'sometimes I feel that I have two daughters not one'

Kajol hugged Amira and said 'she is more than a sister to me not just a cousin' Amira grinned and hugged her back, Preity hugged them too.
'What about me?' Rani said and hugged them too, Poja grabbed Amira's phone off the table and took a picture of them.
'I want to see it' said Rani then she took the phone, Poja laughed and Rani showed the picture to the girls and they decided to print it and frame it. Anarkali the maid came from the kitchen and started helping them take the plates to the kitchen.
'I will go upstairs to recharge the mobile' said Amira
'yeah you better do' said Preity, Amira went upstairs and rushed to her room, her battery was dying so she had to move faster, she was waiting for Shahrukh's call all day, he used to call her every morning, actually most of the day, so she found that weird.

'The naughty boy is back' Kajol and Preity shouted, Amira got out of the room and looked through the first floor, she thought that it was Saif who is back, Shahrukh's friend; but it was Shahrukh. Standing in the middle of the living room looking up at her, smiling, wearing a backpack and holding two big bags. She ran downstairs with teary eyes; she hugged him tight and started crying.
'Bhai' she said through her tears
he patted on her back 'ok don't cry, I am here now' but what he said didn't help and she cried harder 'sweetheart I am here now, stop crying' he said
'two years is a long time Shahrukh, I missed you so much' she said hugging him tighter
'I missed you too darling' he smiled
'let the man breath, we want to hug him too' Arjit said smiling, Amira let go off Shahrukh and started wiping her tears.
'Welcome beta' Arjit said, Shahrukh bent down and touched his leg, Arjit put his hand on Shahrukh's head 'Kush raho beta' then Shahrukh touched Poja's leg 'Kush raho' she smiled.

He then moved to hug Preity 'we missed you yaar' Preity said happily
'I missed all of you Preity' he said then hugged Kajol
'welcome back naughty boy' Kajol said smiling
'thanks Kaj' he called her as he used to when they were young 'how are you?' he said pulling back a little.
'I am fine' she responded, Shahrukh put his arm around Amira's shoulder, he sighed then said smiling 'I am back home, finally; I missed you little girl'
'I am not a little girl, I am 21 now' Amira pouted
'you will remain my beautiful little sister even if you became 50 years old' he said and she smiled, resting her head on his chest.
'Did you have breakfast?' Poja asked
'yes Auntie, thank you, all I need now is to have a shower and sleep'
'you are lying, you are looking so pale and thin, you don't eat well; come on I will feed you' Amira said
'since our parents passed away she is playing the role of my mother' Shahrukh giggled
'don't change the topic, come and eat' she said pulling his arm
'I am full, I swear I ate during my flight; all I need now is to sleep'

'Let him rest, he is here now' Arjit said 'see you when I come back'
'ok uncle' he said and was about the hold his bags but Arjit stopped him 'Shekar will take the bags upstairs, and don't go straight to the room; Anarkali will take care of it'.

'Shahrukh, when did you come back yaar?'Rani said getting out of the kitchen, he went to hug her 'Rani' he said
'I missed you so much yaar, how are you?'
'now I am fine, I am home' he smiled to her
'ok, go now take rest and we will see you at night' Rani said caressing his cheek, he smiled and went upstairs to have a bath.

Kajol immediately hugged Amira; she knew how happy she is now, Shahrukh was her only family after their parents passed away. It doesn't mean that she isn't happy at staying with her uncle's family, but Shahrukh and Amira were really attached to each other.

Family is Family 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora