Chapter 17

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Shahrukh remained in his room all the day till the Lunch time; he didn't want to speak to anyone. His mind was torn between the feel of guilt for hitting his friend and the jealousy. He hated being one of the audiences, all he can do is to watch and clap but he has no role in the play. Will he win Kajol's love one day? Will she be his one day? Should he fight for her or she is just a dream? How could she be far when she is too close? Will he ever drop the heavy loads and burdens off his shoulders? Those thoughts and questions were torturing and killing him within. Why does he have to pay for what wasn't his fault?!

Kajol too didn't step out of her room; she was walking around the room. She wasn't thinking about what Shahrukh has said down there, she felt that she overreacted when she felt angry; he knew how sensitive Amira is. She was thinking of what Shahrukh did. It was a proof for his love to her; but she needed to hear it from his lips. She can wait forever. She understands his circumstances and his responsibilities; and that's what she loves about him. She knew she will be safe with Shahrukh and he will treat her as a precious gift. She remembered the hug and how she felt protected in his arms.
She also thought about Saif's offer and prayed thousand times to god to make Saif stay away from her. She felt happy that Saif is leaving on the next day, but she also felt sad that Shahrukh will be busy with work. She looked at the bright side; Shahrukh is back from London, staying with her in the same house and the work in India won't be as much as in London. She prayed that work in India goes well so Shahrukh won't be away for long time.

Preity is in the kitchen, absent minded and she was about to burn her hands many times. Her mind was busy with Saif; His words, his breath, his touch and their friendship. His picture isn't leaving her eyes and his scent is in her nose. She shivered when she remembered the hug; she is doing her best to control herself. Many thoughts were running in her head. Should she tell him about her feelings towards him or to wait? She couldn't decide.

Amira was lost in the world of colors all day; she was busy with her drawings and paintings and trying to get rid of all bad thoughts. She tried convincing herself that everything is okay and nothing bad is happening behind her back, but she couldn't. She was thinking about Shahrukh, her mind was racing since he came back from London and what happened in the morning made her suspicious. She remained drawing and erasing many times, many paintings weren't good, her mind was busy and some paintings ended up with being torn on the ground.

'Oh guys you are really fast' Saif said laughing to Meera and Shivan when they entered the dining room, they found everyone there so they sat down to their chairs.

'How is your face now Saif?' Arjit asked smiling
'it is okay uncle, it is getting better by time' Saif replied and smile back.

No one talked then, no voices or sounds were heard except the knives and forks sound. Arjit was looking at all of them and all were eating silently. Kajol, Shahrukh, Preity and Amira; all were lost in their thoughts.

Arjit cleared his throat 'is everything alright?' he asked suddenly; all of them looked at him and nodded, he looked at Amira and smiled 'Amira is everything alright in this house?'
Amira giggled 'don't worry uncle; if there is something everyone will know' she said and sighed 'but some things aren't going good with me' she pouted
'why not darling?'
'Some of my drawings aren't good and I had to redraw them again'
'you must be kidding. Your drawings are awesome' Kajol said immediately
'the ones you saw are good, but I am drawing another ones now' Amira explained
'Shahrukh, I see you are so silent; aren't you going to say something too' Arjit said smiling
'she doesn't need my comment, she knows that she is great' Shahrukh gave him a short smile and kissed Amira's forehead, she raised her head and looked straight in his eyes, he looked down at his plate and acted as if he is busy with food. He didn't want her to see the truth in his eyes.

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