Chapter 11:The first of the Legendary 9

Start from the beginning

        Great now i have to explain all this to them.


Justin POV:

        Everyone was rushed to seperatre to be taken care of except for Mike who came with me and the Council. The council was going to talk to us but i convinced my Dad to convince the rest of the council to let us talk when the rest of the team woke up. I carried Mike straight to Sensei's room when we got the Hall.

        As soon as Sensei saw me he ran and embraced me and said "Thank god your safe where are the others, what happened." i dropped down Mike and said "I cant say all of it so Sensei you can go ahead and read my mind." 

        I figured that Sensei had reached the part where i had my realization because his face dropped and he looked at me.

        "Yes i know its crazy bu-"

        Mike woke up and asked what was going on.

        Sensei looked Mike dead in the eyes and said "Mike i think your a part of the legendary nine."

The Assiadan Warrior shall lead them all,

Two of the darkness two of the same,

Five to end darkness reign,

This makes the legendary nine,

But to kill the darkness there must be sacrifice.

        "So you guys think im one of the Darkness." Mike said obviously doubting our absurd theory.

        "Its the only way i could have read your thoughts without being related to you or you have the same telepathic abilites as Sensei."

        "Ok so does that mean i dont have top go back tpo prison."

        Sensei laughed at this.

        "No you do not have to go back to prison." suddenly Sensei's face turned very Grim and he said "However if i find out you are a traitor. I will not hesitate to kill you and i dont care how old you are."

        For the first time since i met him, Mike looked truly scared and i got a small glimpse of why sensei was on the council.

        Sensei trying to break the ice after his statement told me to show "Mr. Dread" to his new dwellings.

        I was about to walk out the door when i realized that we didnt have another barrack. I felt a tiny ping of sadness as i thought if i had my powers i could create a roomin half an hour tops."

       "Oh its ok he will be staying in Jac's room. It will give him time to explain." Sensei winked at Mike so I figured Sensei read his mind and knew something I didn't know.

        As we walked to the room i tried to keep my curiosity in check but before I could help myself I blurted out what do you need to explain. Mike paused and I saw a look of sadness pass by his face.

        Finally he spoke. "Years ago when I was 3 I lived a perfectly normal Nix life but during the raid Pygmias attacked our house and killed my mom and took my father. They erased my memory and tested on me." Mike lifted up his shirt and showed me his back there were scratches and scars all over him after he put his shirt down he finally continued. " I was an air Nix and-." I Interrupted him and said. "Wait you survived the raid." I remembered that horrible day. I stopped myself before I started crying.

        Mike must have seen me in deep thought and he was considerate enough to let me finish my ponderance of the past.

        He also saw that I was not ready to share whatever it was I was I thinking of with him so he continued. "As I was saying they took my father and erased my memory and did experiments on me no person should endour." he paused and for a second he shuddered. "They replaced my air control with a bunch of other powers linked to my power organ." he opened his shirt and showed a faint dark glow eminating from his PO. "For years I fought for the people I considered my family until I started regaining my memory at thirteen, by the time I turned fourteen they were all back."

        I now felt bad for treating him the way I did when he was trying to save all of us, his own kind.

        "I'm sorry." I finally said after pausing to take what he had just told me in.

        His sad expression disappeared and his confident returned. "Don't worry what they did to me made me even stronger which unfortunately for them makes me dangerous." for a split second his eyes turned all black and his skin turmoil with the darkness beneath.

        We had just begun our mission to find the legendary nine members and I had a feeling the sacrafice was going to make one of us go super mode.

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