"No Lucas, I forgot to mention to Nexia that her present was alive." My dad explained to the boy and I nearly choked on air at this. Dad would never allow a male, a living breathing male to be my early birthday present. For God sake I was still fifteen. Then something occured to me, dad had been at the lab with his scientist buddies making sure my present was “stable”.

No Lucas couldn’t be an experiment, there was no way. 

“Please tell me this isn’t an experiment.” I begged my dad turning to look at him with hopeful eyes. That was when I realized that this was an experiment, Lucas was an experiment. My stomach clenched in disgust at this, as I looked at him. 

“Is this a chemical or robotic experiment?” I questioned raking the creation up and down in disdain. 

“Robotic.” It was short but straight to the point. 

A humorless laugh escaped my lips as I shook my head. 

“Please tell me this” I directed my hand up and down the robot, “is a joke.” The good looking robots forehead crinkled in confusion.

“Jesus dad you gave it emotions? That is disgusting, absolutely horendious.” I fumed glaring at my dad who feigned innocence as he kicked his socked foot on my carpet. Hadn’t my dad ever watched them horror movies where the robots come back trying to over run the earth because some moron gave it emotions? 

“Nexia, he isn’t an it.” My dad told me sternly and I scoffed looking at the robot in disgust. He wasn’t human, his exterior might reveal a gorgeous mans face but his interior showed a whole different side. One filled with metal, iron, electrical cords and screws. I wanted to throw up than and there. 

“What should I call it then dad? A robot, an abomination, a mistake, a thing?” I listed off a few others on my hand and I saw his face harden while the robots face seemed to fall more. 

“I want to be called Luke.” The robot cut in softly, but I ignored him as I turned to face dad.

“I worked so hard and long on him for you Nexia. He’s perfect for you.” My dad cooed looking at the robot with a look of pride written on his face.

“Than you keep him for yourself!” I snapped angrily, “I don’t want perfect.” 

I’ve told dad countlessly that perfect wasn’t what I wanted but he never seems to accept that concept.  He thinks that what we need to be a better family is to be absolutely perfect and I don’t want that.

“I just wanted to make sure you are safe in life, I don’t want you hurt.” I knew he meant more than just getting physically hurt, he meant mentally like how he had been hurt. Luke was probably indestructable and it would be rather hard for him to get distroyed in a car crash, collision and other things. My dad didn’t want me to go through the same pain, the same lost that he had went through when my mum had died. 

“How is Lucas going to protect me in life?” I asked inching closer to my bed, I knew the most of my anger had subsided but my hands were still shaking and I was still pretty mad about it all. 

“How I protect you, but much more.” My dad spoke softly, and I bit my lip sighing in defeat. There was no way I could get my dad to get rid of the robot no matter how hard I tried. He was set and had already thought this all through and that wasn’t going to change I knew that. 

My dad does protect me the way any normal father should over his fifteen year old daughter and I was glad about that, but having someone protect me more than that, like how a mother should or more? That would be different and I didn’t know if I would be able to handle that much. 

Dad took care of me, and I was only use to dad doing it. I’d rather not have to deal with someone else when dad wasn’t home, it would just complicate my already complicated life which I took great care in.

I wanted to get out of the house, I hated admitting defeat and I didn’t want to see this robot relishing in it. There was still a thick layer of tension in the air and I bet he could sense it and was waiting to see what I would do about it. My feet itched towards the door which dad and the robot were beside and I knew my head was trying to think of the pros and cons of my decision. I really couldn’t think of anything though at the moment with the robots eyes intently focused onto me. 

That was when I had decided what I was going to do, I moved from my awkward position against the back wall and quickly bounded to my opened door. Past my dad and the robot not making eye contact with either one of them as I went through the door.

“Where are you going?” The robot asked in a strict curious manner making me stop just outside the door debating on if I  should answer him or not, than with careful consideration I decided against it not wanting to say something I might regret and hurt my dad. 

I didn’t pay attention as the boy called my name trying to gain my attention as I ran out the front door and didn’t stop running as I ran down the cobble stone path to the dirt road. Maybe a long run was what I needed to clear my mind.

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