"Rog, darling, how exactly do you boil an egg?" asked Freddie as he turned to Roger.

"You, umm - I don't know. I think it has something to do with hot water," responded Roger, arms crossed, the two of them standing absolutely vexed by this egg sitting on the countertop.

"You two are hopeless," you said pulling up a chair and sitting down to tie your shoelaces. You'd have to go out and meet Brian soon.

Freddie ignored your comment and sauntered over to you, "Running a bit late for work today aren't we?"

It was nearly eleven, he was indeed correct. You'd asked Mary yesterday if she wouldn't mind covering your shift today. You weren't quite sure how long your meeting with Brian would be even if you had set it for just lunch. You were surprised by how fine Mary always was with how much time you took off and covering your shifts. You felt rather guilty and someway you wanted to make it up to her but you were never quite sure how when it came down to exactly what.

"You're one to talk," you quipped back with a smile, "Why exactly aren't you and Rog at the booth?"

"Oh don't you try something smart, we've just come back for some lunch," Freddie paused and turned to the stove, "And I haven't got the slightest clue how to cook this damn egg!" He put his hands on his hips, stared at it a moment and declared in upheaval, "Thats it! I'm through faffing around with this cooking shit. Sod it all to hell!" Who knew an egg had so much power.

"Here, let me take care of it," you finished tying your other shoe and started boiling water and then you grabbed a piece of toast. You glanced at the clock, 10:50. Goodness, you were cutting it close to meet with Brian, you had said about lunchtime and getting to Imperial from here would take ages, "Now I've got to rush off to work, but Roger, just pop this egg in when the water starts boiling and then wait 10-12 minutes, then you're golden," you handed him an egg.

"It's going to be golden?" he asked, "I don't know any boiled eggs that turn—"

"No I meant—whatever, you've got it. Gotta run!" you said quickly grabbing your toast out of the toaster and buttering it, "I'll be home before long, shouldn't have to work too late," you placed your toast on a napkin, grabbed your purse and gave Freddie a quick kiss goodbye, "Love you".

"Oh," replied Freddie, rather surprised at your rush, "Love you too, dear".

"I'll be back soon enough," you gave him a kiss on the forehead, he looked rather dejected for a moment but it cheered him up a little.

"You'd better," he replied with a smile, "Especially before its really at sixes and sevens in here, Roger and I are sure to cock something else up".

"Oh you'll be fine," you gave his hand a little squeeze goodbye and smiled. Next thing you knew you were out the door.

You rushed your way down the street to the Ainslie Wood Road bus stop to catch bus 158—you'd had this all planned out very thoroughly in your head, so you were hoping you'd still make it in time to meet Brian for lunch and not be too late.

The bus ride to the Blackhorse Road tube stop didn't take very long, about 15 minutes or so, and the tube to the Green Park tube station wasn't all that long either, maybe 20 minutes, finally you ended up in South Kensington and from there it was just a quick ten minute walk.

Brian had said to meet him just inside Blackett Laboratory, but you had an absolute hell of a time finding it. Eventually you consulted a map posted outside one of the buildings and found it to be on the complete opposite side of campus. Who puts a physics building on the opposite side of campus as all the other science buildings?

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