Chapter 42

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——— Negan's POV ———

Me and Dwight wait by our truck for Aaron and whoever he brings with him to fuckin' come back. All the rest of my men that I brought to Alexandria are waiting in their trucks, too. So we can all leave at the same fuckin' time. After a few minutes, Aaron, carrying his bag, comes back with fuckin' Daryl following.

"You're bringing him?" I say to Aaron while pointing at the redneck.

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

I glare at Daryl as he glares right the fuck back. "Not for me," I answer, almost as a threat.

I don't know why, but Daryl just rubs me the wrong fuckin' way. And the feeling is mutual.

Aaron holds his hands up to both of us to tell us to calm the fuck down. "Why don't you just tell us where we're going," he says to me.


"What's in Fredericksburg?" Daryl asks all bitchily with his face all scrunched up.

"Are we going to Chucky's house?" Aaron asks quickly. He apparently put two and two together.

"Yup. I need to get some shit from there."

"How far away is it?" Daryl asks, still fuckin' skeptical.

"It'll take a few hours to get there from here," I answer. "But the road should be mostly fuckin' clear. I had guys scope it out earlier. It's out in the fuckin' suburbs, too, so we shouldn't have too much of a problem with swarms of the dead."

We all get into to the crew cab pickup truck, Dwight behind the fuckin' wheel, me in the passenger seat, Aaron and Daryl in the back seat, and head off.

I decide I should probably get some info on the place before we get there, so I pipe up. "So, Aaron, when you went to the house before, what did it fuckin' look like?"

"It looked like someone went through it, but it wasn't completely looted like most places." He paused. "That was a couple of years ago, though. It could be empty now."

"Do you remember seeing a rocking chair."

"Ah." Aaron chuckles like he just won a prize or some shit.

"What?" I bite back.

"I see now." He chuckles again. "Chucky asked you to get the chair for the baby."

I give a little growl, not particularly liking his fuckin' tone. Too smug. "She didn't ask me to do shit. She mentioned the chair and I want to fuckin' surprise her with it. Cuz I'm a good fuckin' husband like that."

"What's so special about this damn chair that we're risking our lives to bring it back?" Daryl bitches again. Goddamn, is he on his fuckin' period or some shit?

"It's like a family heirloom," Aaron answers, completely ignoring Daryl's fuckin' rude ass attitude.

"Did you see it or not, Aaron?" I get back to my original thought.

"Yeah. It's in the master bedroom upstairs. Or at least it was."


After a while, my men in the trucks in front of us turn off to head back to The Sanctuary while we keep heading southwest. Eventually, we turn down the road that leads to Chuck's old house. It's pretty isolated and back in the woods, so I hope there aren't too many of those dead fuckers hanging around. I also hope the house wasn't looted any more than it was when Aaron saw it. I'm gonna be really pissed if someone fucked that chair up and I wasted this trip.

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