Chapter 59

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"Solo! Solo! Too nakma noya Solo!" Chuck calls out in her best Jabba the Hutt voice from her seat on the couch.

Negan can't help but laugh from his seat beside her. "What the fuck? Are you having a stroke?" he jokes

"It's from Star Wars," Chuck answers with a giggle. "Because I'm clearly Jabba the Hutt." She holds her hands out to indicate her size.

Negan sets down his notebook on the coffee table and moves closer to Chuck. "You're still so fuckin' beautiful." He kisses her lips then her belly. "Even as Jabba the Hutt."

She slaps his arm gently. "Well, I hope you know that I'm never going to get pregnant again after this. You have no idea what it feels like just to be uncomfortable for weeks, months on end. Heartburn, peeing every five seconds, leaking everywhere... it's a hassle."

Negan chuckles. "Whatever you say, sweetheart." He smirks at her. "You know as soon as you see Maddie's chubby little face, you're gonna want like ten more kids."

Chuck laughs. "I will never want ten kids. We're not like those weird religious people where the mom is constantly pregnant for like thirty years. Or old timey farmers who need the labor."

"I guess. But we do like to fuck, so..." He shrugs a shoulder.

Chuck and Negan have gotten closer in the past two weeks since they opened up about their pasts. They started to discuss the things that they've never talked about with each other before. Like Chuck's loneliness throughout her life and Negan's difficulties with his self worth. Just having each other to talk to helps both of them tremendously. It also deepens the love that they feel for each other.

One day, Chuck is reading on their bed when Negan comes in.

"Hey," he greets and leans down to kiss Chuck. "Harlan says he wants to see you for a fuckin' checkup."

"Really?" Chuck asks, not knowing why the doctor would want to suddenly see her. "What for?"

"How the fuck should I know? He's the doctor."

"Is he coming up here?" Chuck hopes he is. Getting around is increasingly difficult and it's only going to get worse. She still has about a month and a half to go and she's almost not looking forward to it. Not only is the labor going to be an ordeal, but all the uncomfortable symptoms she's been feeling will only get worse.

"No," Negan answers. "We gotta head downstairs."

"Ugh," Chuck groans.

"You know he said you gotta stay fuckin' active. Some walking will be good for you."

"I'd like to hear you say that when you have an actual living being moving around inside you, adding like a hundred pounds to your belly making pretty much every movement harder."

"A hundred pounds?" he responds suspiciously.

"That's what it feels like."

Negan gets her shoes and helps her put them on after she swings her legs over the side of the bed. "I know it's hard, baby girl. But it's healthier for you and the baby." He helps her out of bed and they go down to the infirmary.

Harlan asks Chuck how she's doing and checks her blood pressure and pulse. It's really all stuff that isn't too necessary, Chuck thinks, but she goes along with it. Maybe Harlan just wants to be thorough.

After the exam, Chuck wants nothing more than to go back upstairs to lie down, but Negan says she should walk a little more. The February weather is still too cold and snowy, so they just walk through the halls. After a while, though, Chuck starts to get frustrated.

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