Chapter 49

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——— Negan's POV ———

We pull up to Hilltop and I'm not fuckin' looking forward to this shit. It's not just a fuckin' name, these people actually see me as a savior. I rescued their women. I got rid of that fuck Gregory. And Hilltop has been fuckin' flourishing ever since.

Now I have to tell them I was ass rammed by fuckin' Eldritch and they're going to have to follow Gregory again.

Fuck. This whole fuckin' thing is gonna kill me, I swear to god.

The guys on the gate let us in and we park the car. Jesus comes out of the main house and leads us back into his office. I tell my guys to hang back, so it's just me and Jesus fuckin' talking.

"Did the discussion with Eldritch last this long?" Jesus asks as he takes his seat behind the desk. I've been keeping in touch with him, so he knows I was set to meet Eldritch this morning. And it's fuckin' late now, so...

I answer him. "No. Some other shit happened after." I let out a sigh. "I got some bad fuckin' news."

He looks at me kinda shocked. "Your wife-"

"No," I cut him off before he can ask what I know he was gonna fuckin' ask. "She's okay as far as I can fuckin' tell. I meant I have bad news for you."

"What is it?"

"Gregory's alive and working with fuckin' Eldritch."

He looks shocked for a second then scrunches up his face. "How did Gregory make it all the way back here from where he was dropped off alive? To my knowledge he's never even killed a walker before."

"That's not the fuckin' worst part. Eldritch wants me to pull my men out of all my outposts and put fuckin' Gregory back in charge here."

Jesus just stares at me before he finally calls out, "What?"

"I hate this just as fuckin' much as you do, but we have to act like we're fuckin' complying until I get Chuck back. Which, speaking of, we found Eldritch's base earlier today, so I'm already coming up with a plan to take him the fuck down."

Jesus shakes his head. "I don't like this. No one is going to like this."

"I know. But this shit is temporary. I fuckin' promise you that. I just need you to trust me and go along with this shit for a little while."

He stares at me for a second before he nods once.

I scratch at my beard. "I need you to get rid of that radio equipment before Gregory gets here. I do not want him privy to my fuckin' plans."

"There's this cabin I use nearby that Gregory never knew about. I can set the radio up in there so we can still keep in touch. I'll find a way to keep it manned without Gregory knowing. When's he coming here."

"Any time tomorrow, I guess. Eldritch told me to have all my guys gone before our fuckin' meet in two days. I'm guessing old Gregs'll be here before then."

"I'll get everything moved out tonight."

I nod. "Good. I know you guys here are farmers, but I might need you guys to fight for me if the fuckin' time comes."

"Of course. Your men have been teaching some of the people here how to fight. And I'm sure if you ask, they'll want to help out."

"Can you gather all your people outside? I should fuckin' address them my-fuckin'-self with all this." I stand up with a groan. I don't wanna do this shit.

A few minutes later, everyone is gathered around me out on the lawn.

I raise my arms in the air to start. "As some of you no doubt know, The Sanctuary was attacked the other day. Not only that, but something very fuckin' precious to me was taken at the same time. The man that dared to fuckin' come at me went right for the lowest fuckin' blow possible and kidnapped my pregnant wife."

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