Chapter 37

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Chuck holds back tears as she processes what Aaron just said.

Brendon. Brendon is at Alexandria.

She looks to Negan, who is glaring at Aaron. "Brendon?" she whispers.

Negan lifts his radio to his mouth. "Simon, get three trucks ready with fully armed fuckin' men. We're going to Alexandria right the fuck now."

"Uh, sure, boss. They'll be up and ready to go in thirty."

Chuck looks around the room and sees that the wives all look shocked. Aaron, though, looks very confused.

"What-" Aaron starts, "What is-"

Negan puts his radio away and points in Aaron's face aggressively. "Did Brendon know you guys were coming after me?! Did he know you were going after 'Negan' or 'The Sanctuary'?!"

"Uh," Aaron looks to Chuck, who is now upset. "Chuck, what's going-"

"Fucking answer me, Aaron!" He grabs Aaron by the shirt and turns him to face him. "Does that fucker know I'll be coming for him?!"

"N-No! He wasn't there when we... He left for a few days scouting for lumber. He's not due to be back until some time tomorrow."

Negan lets him go and scrubs his hand down his beard. "You two," he points to Aaron and Chuck. "My office."

They all enter his office and Negan immediately starts to pace.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Aaron asks as he throws his arms up.

"He's a piece of shit!" Negan blurts out.

Aaron looks around confused. "Brendon? You know him? H-He lives with me and Eric. He seems like a good guy."

"Well, you're living with a fucking rapist!"

"What?!" Aaron looks from Negan to Chuck. "Is that-" He stops when he sees Chuck's face.

She tries to hold back, but the tears start to flow as she lets out a sob. She knew that Negan would probably find Brendon at some point, but she still isn't exactly ready for that confrontation just yet.

"No..." Aaron looks to Negan as he pieces things together. "He didn't- Oh no, Chucky."

"He didn't rape me," Chuck blurts out to clarify. She knows what Aaron must be thinking.

"It doesn't matter if he didn't actually do it! He still fuckin' tried to!"

"Oh my god," Aaron says under his breath as he brings his hands up to his mouth. "What did he do, Chucky?"

Negan butts in. "That 'good guy' you live with stripped her naked, beat her, tied her up, strangled her, and left her in a stifling hot trailer for six fucking hours! That's what Brendon did!"

Aaron wipes at his eyes before walking toward Chuck. "I'm sorry," he whispers into her hair as he cradles her head to his chest. "I'm so sorry, sweetie."

"Well, I'm gonna kill that fucker."

"No, Negan!" Chuck pushes away from Aaron and goes to Negan. "I-I don't want that."

"Are you fucking kidding me, Chuck?! He has to die! He could've killed you. He could've killed our baby!"

"I don't want you killing any more people because of me!"

"Goddamnit!" Negan swipes the paperwork off of his desk sending it to the floor. "I've fucking told you before, that shit wasn't on you!"

"I know you've said that, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't still make me feel bad. I hate that you killed people for me."

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