Chapter 30

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Chuck sits up straight in Negan's bed, breaths heavy and sweat on her brow.

"You alright, baby girl?" Negan asks as he stands up from the couch, throwing his notebook down on the coffee table, and walks over to Chuck's side of the bed. He sits down on the edge and removes his glasses, placing them on the bedside table.

Chuck looks at the clock beside her which says 9:17am and lays back down with a groan. "I had a nightmare."

Negan leans closer to her and caresses her cheek softly. "Same old shit?"

"No. It was a new one. I was in our old school auditorium playing the piano for the audience. Then, I guess, they all turned into the dead ones, or something. But Simon was there." She looks up to Negan and places her hand atop his on her face. "He-He was trying to fight them, but he couldn't... I tried to save him, but they got to him before I did. And then they were all around me." She lets out a shaky breath.

Negan bends down to kiss her forehead. "It's okay. Just forget about it," he whispers.

She sighs. "I just remember yelling 'Stop! I'm pregnant!' like that would stop them." She tries to shake her head of the disturbing details of her dream.

Negan rubs his nose against hers then kisses her softly. "You're safe. Everything is fine."

"I know." She lets out a heavy breath. "It was just a nightmare. I haven't had one in a while so..."

He sits up but continues to caress her cheek and smooth her hair. "You want me to stay a while."

She sits up more fully with the sheet pulled up to cover her naked chest and stretches a little. "Nah. I'm fine." She smiles softly at him. "You need to make your appearances, anyway."

Negan pushes the sheet down and placed his hand on her stomach. "How's my kid treating you?"

She giggles a little. "I don't need to puke, so that's pretty good."

"I think you have a fuckin' belly now."

She looks down and places her hands on his. "You think? I think that's just my belly, not baby belly."

Negan gently nudges her to lay on her back and puts his hand back to her lower abdomen. "This pooch wasn't there before."

"Pooch?" She giggles and rubs her hand over the same area Negan is. "Please don't say that word ever again."

He laughs. "Alright, sweetheart. This fuckin' bump wasn't there before."

Chuck lifts her head to look down at herself. "I don't know. Maybe. It might just be chub," she jokes.

"I know your body and this isn't fuckin' chub. But if you want to see some real chub..." He wiggles his eyebrows at her and points to his crotch.

"I knew the second that word left my mouth that you wouldn't pass that up," she responds with a giggle.

"Is that a no? Cuz I can be ready real fuckin' quick if you wanna get our fuck on. Especially when your titties are all hanging out and looking so good."

She throws her head back and laughs. "It's a wonder you ever get any off of women with all your cheesy sex jokes."

He shrugs and bends over her. "I do alright."

She holds up her hands to halt his motion. "Right now I have to pee and get something to eat because I'm starving. Your chub'll have to wait."

He lets out a dramatic, but not serious groan and stands up from the bed. "Fine. I'll make you some breakfast."

This Is How I Disappear (Negan/OFC)Where stories live. Discover now