Chapter 20

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——— Negan's POV ———

Me and Simon head to the furnace room to show those new fuckers what's up. Especially fuckin' Brendon. He was a little fuckin' asshole in high school and I bet he grew up into an even bigger asshole now. I just hope he has enough sense to fuckin' fall in line here. And stay the fuck away from Chuck. I know he always had his eye on her back then, but that shit is not fuckin' flying here and now. Not one bit.

I walk across the catwalk, hitting Lucille along the fuckin' railing just to make sure all eyes are on me. The three newcomers are standing in a line, giving me a dumbstruck look. Some of my saviors stand behind them making sure they don't do anything fuckin' stupid.

"Well, hello, gentlemen... and lady," I call out as I walk in front of them. "Welcome to The Sanctuary! I'm Negan. I trust you've been told who I am." I pause to look at them. "Now I know y'all have already been put through your paces at the outpost, but just so we're fuckin' crystal clear on what is to be expected here, I'm gonna go over the rules."

I hold up a finger and pace in front of them. "One! I am in charge here! You do what I say when I say it. No exceptions!" I turn to pace the other direction. "Two! Rape and violence against women is. not. tolerated. here. Period! I don't know where you fucks came from or what your fuckin' groups were all about, but if you lay your hands on an unwilling woman here, you will no longer have hands. Or legs. Or a dick because I will personally rip you limb from limb until you are dead." I stop in front of the woman and speak more quietly. "And do not be afraid to come forward if some fuck gets fresh with you. Not that I want you to think that will happen because I'm very fuckin' happy to say that we have not had a rape here since the very fuckin' beginning, but shit can still happen." I turn to pace again. "Three! Do not steal! Taking what you don't earn is a big fuckin' no-no. If you want more food, or, shit, that shiny new butt plug you've had your eye on," I put my hand on my chest and lean into Brendon to whisper loudly, "I don't judge," I stand back up, "you work your asses off to get the points to fuckin' afford that shit!" I move in front of the group and hold my arms out wide. "And last, but certainly not fuckin' least, don't be a goddamn asshole! We all have to live here and we all live motherfuckin' well. So don't be a dick and ruin this place. Do your jobs. Keep your noses fuckin' clean and everything will be hunky-fuckin'-dory."

I walk over to the man that isn't Brendon. He's middle aged, probably as fuckin' old as me, with a scraggly beard and a gut. "What's your name?"

"Max," the guy says in a gruff voice.

"You the hunter?"

"Yes, sir. Rifles, bows, snares, traps. Big game, small game, bird. I can do it all. Been hunting my whole life."

"Well that sounds fuckin' excellent. I could definitely go for a fuckin' venison steak every once in a while."

"I can definitely provide that for you. I also use every part of the animal. Every part can be useful for one thing or another."

"That's exactly what I'm fuckin' talking about," I call out to everyone in the room. "This is the shit we need! Can you teach others all that shit?" I ask Max.

"Yes, sir, I can."

"Motherfuckin' right! That is y'all's second purpose here," I say to the new group. "Provide your service. Then teach others. That is how we make this community fuckin' last!"

I walk to the woman. Probably late thirties. Has a soccer mom feel. "And what's your name, honey?"


This Is How I Disappear (Negan/OFC)Where stories live. Discover now