Chapter 7

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Chuck waits several minutes after coming to before she begins to move, making sure that the men are gone. She knows she's lost a lot of blood and is feeling the effects of it. Already, she is feeling sluggish. She has to get help soon or she won't make it. The closest person to her is Dr. Carson in his room down the hall, so that's where she needs to go. Grabbing a nearby towel, Chuck pushes it into her wound to slow her bleeding, and growls out in pain. She shuffles as best as she can out of the infirmary, turning down the hall and leaving a trail of blood behind her.

"Someone..." she whispers out harshly, not being able to get enough volume to alert any patrolling saviors that may be passing close by. She tries desperately to make it down the hallway as fast as she can, but she is losing time. Her vision is starting to fade and dizziness is setting in. She sees a lone figure turn the corner, recognizing that it is Simon. He doesn't seem to be paying attention as he turns away from her and heads off in the other direction. She knows she isn't going to make it all the way to Carson's room at this rate. Simon is her only hope.

"Si- Simon!" she manages to croak out loudly enough for him to hear. He turns and quickly heads her way. Before he can reach her, she collapses on the ground, her energy fading.

"Fuck! No no no no!" Simon yells out. "Carson! Carson get the fuck out here!" He screams as he starts to cradle her, placing his hand on her wound and pressing hard to try to quell the bleeding. "Chuck! Stay with me, angel! What happened?! Someone get the fuck over here!"

"Get her in the infirmary now." Carson yells out quickly as he approaches the scene from behind Simon. Simon hurriedly carries Chuck back to the infirmary and sets her onto a bed, Carson close behind.

"Fuck. What the fuck happened here?" Simon asks as he stands transfixed at the disheveled state of the room, which includes a large pool of blood in the middle of the floor.

"Simon! I need you to help me. Keep pressure on that wound."

A patrolling savior, having heard Simon's yells, comes into the infirmary. "Holy shit. What happen-"

"Get Negan down here! Get some guys to patrol the area. And call the damn gate! See if anyone tried to leave!" Simon barks out to the man, who swiftly takes to his radio.

"Back up, Simon. I need to examine the wound," Carson demands after he had cut Chuck's shirt away and gloved up. "Hold her still."

Simon moves up to place his hands on her shoulders firmly. She is still conscious and squirming around weakly, writhing in pain. Carson begins to clean the wound and examine the damage that was done.

"What the fuck happened?!" Negan shouts, out of breath, as he rushes into the room, wearing only unzipped pants and untied boots. He obviously jumped out of bed and ran as soon as he got the call.

A savior pokes his head in to inform Negan of the news he's just received. "Sir, they caught two men at the gate-"

"Put them in the fuckin' cells. Now! I'll deal with them later!"

The savior hurries away to obey the order.

"Negan, you're going to have to give her blood. I need to run an IV. Sit here." Carson pulls a chair up to Chuck's bed.

"Do it." Negan takes his seat and holds his arm out, his gaze flitting around Chuck's body.

"Put pressure on that wound, Simon. I'm not done closing it." Carson makes short order of putting Negan's IV in so he can start filling the bags and moves back to Chuck's wound. "I don't think any organs are affected which is extremely fortunate. She has lost a lot of blood though."

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