Chapter 51

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Chuck wraps her blanket around her and watches from her window as the sun comes up. Her nerves had kept her from sleeping after what happened at dinner last night. Eldritch had scared Chuck more than she ever had been before. But Chuck wasn't really scared for herself; she was scared for her baby.

More than anything she wants to get out of this so she can keep her baby safe.

Her daily oatmeal comes about a couple hours later. Despite the fact that she doesn't have much of an appetite, she makes sure to finish it all. She didn't eat much last night and she won't get anything else to eat until dinner later. No matter how she feels, she knows she needs to eat enough for the baby.

After her empty bowl is taken away, she curls up in her bed under her scratchy blanket to actually try to get some sleep. Because what else is she going to do? There is literally nothing in her room for her to occupy her time with. The hours spent awake last night must have affected her because it doesn't take long for her to fall asleep.

Some time later, she gets woken up by a gentle shaking of her shoulder.

"Chuck," a voice whispers beside her. "Chuck, wake up."

Chuck opens her eyes and jolts more fully awake when she sees Andy crouched beside her cot.

He instantly covers her mouth and brings his pointer finger up to his lips. "Shh," he whispers. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I want to get you out of here." He slowly takes his hand off of her mouth.

"You're going to help me?" she asks quietly.

"What happened last night..." He shakes his head. "It's not right. Eldritch is going to hurt you if you stay here."

Chuck looks into his eyes and sees no reason not to trust him. "How can we get out?"

He stands up and holds his hand out to help her get out of the bed. Chuck pushes the blanket off of her and stands up with his help.

"Where are your clothes?" He starts to look around the room as if he's searching for them.

"I don't have any other clothes. This is all Eldritch gave me."

"Shit." He finds her slippers and throws them down to her feet. "We don't have time to get you anything. Most of the guys are in the conference room waiting to get word back on Negan, so we should leave now."

"Eldritch is meeting with Negan right now?" Chuck asks as she toes the slippers on. Eldritch usually told her when he was going to meet with him.

"No. Eldritch is here. But after yesterday, Negan wants daily pictures of you, so someone got sent out with the picture I took last night," he explains with regret on his face. "Eldritch is excited to see how Negan reacts to it."

Chuck nods. "How are we gonna get out of here?"

"We just need to get to the stairwell. All the guys are on the top two floors, so if we can get past that, we can get down to the basement pretty easily."

"We can get past the dead through the basement?" Chuck asks, knowing that Eldritch and his men aren't the only threat here. They also need to get around the massive herd of dead surrounding the building, as well.

Andy begins to explain. "There's a tunnel in the basement that leads away from the building. It's how we get in and out." He opens her door slightly and peeks out. "We need to leave now before someone comes to check on you." He takes Chuck by the hand and leads her through the door quietly, but quickly.

They move through the hallway in the opposite direction of the conference room where the meeting is being held, trying to be as fast and quiet as possible. When they are just about to the stairwell, they hear people just beyond the door. As quickly as they can, they duck into a large room filled with empty cubicles and wait until the coast is clear.

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