Cute moments with the child

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Requested by @janeeta6


You, Jin, and your daughter Jinnie went shopping and decided to make some cookies. You put on your aprons and set out the ingredients. You put down a little stool and had her stand on it. You were behind her making sure she wouldn't fall and Jin was helping her mix the ingredients. They used cookie cutters and cut out hearts and stars. Jin put them in the oven and you all cleaned up. Jin took the cookies out and let them cool before you call decorated them. They were a great snack and dessert.


You were working in the office of Big Hit and Suga was watching your child in his studio. You had tons of work and you were running around the place. Yoongi sat baby Yoonji on his lap and started to play a piano to see if she could take a nap. He was also writing a melody for a new song. He was lost in thought when baby Yoonji hit a couple notes. He smiled and started to move her hands to play little songs making them both smile. You opened the door with some coffee and a bottle and seen the sight making you smile.


"Alright Hope. You ready to go save the world." Your little girl nodded, "Whats the mission?" You see the enemy over there, he points to you working on your laptop. You are in the office going though papers. "You see that girl over there. That's our enemy, you have to take her out with hugs." The office was empty due to lunch break and you stayed behind to work. All of the sudden you heard a scream and were pounced. You grabbed your daughter and looked at Hobi holding up bags of food and you all had a picnic in his studio upstairs.


You took your son to his first BTS concert with Namjoon's approval of course. He waited backstage and was singing and dancing to all the songs. They went backstage for a small break and Namjoon got an idea. He put Monnie on his shoulders and talked to the rap line. They agreed and left you curious. They started "Ddaeng" but a clean version. Your little boy rapped RM's lines and fans were awing and rapping with him cheering him on. When the song finished fans cheered him and he thanked them.


Jimin was in the dance studio with his son practicing. You had to finish up some work in the office so Jimin offered to watch him. The kid was so amused with the dancing. "Chimmy you want to learn how to dance." He nodded his hand and Jimin started teaching him the dance to DNA. He fell a few times but Jimin made sure he was okay. Eventually they started doing the full choreography. You walked in and had your mouth dropped looking at your son and your husband dancing.


 Taehyung was in front of the closet and Jackie was behind him. "Jackie are you ready?" She nodded and he picked her out a outfit to wear. They were having a father daughter bonding time while you were picking up Yeontan from the salon, so he thought he would surprise you with a tiny him and you. You pulled up and seen Tae and Jackie twinning and posing. You got out of the car in shock and clapped. Tan hopped down from the passenger seat and ran to his dad and best friend in approval.


 Family game night makes everything challenging. Your son nicknamed Kookie after his dad, in very competitive like him. So when they are playing Mario Cart... there is so much going on. You normally lost, but Jungkook and Kookie would practically fight to win. Kookie wanted to win so bad but Jungkook would always win. He had been practicing all week and Jungkook wanted to go easy. He let his son win and the look on his face was adorable. He started cheering as Jungkook acted shocked, but he was beaming at his sons happiness, 


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