💋What He Does When He Wants A Kiss 💋

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    He will sit across from you and make kiss sounds until you look at him and he will give you a kiss. Mainly he does this when your eating, but says it is to taste the food.

    He will start a staring contest and just look at you. When you win he gives you a kiss, but if you lose you still get kissed. He will sometimes make it so eery game you play is like that

      He is the one for random cheesy pickup lines. He usually says one really stupid (but freaking cute at the same time like OMG HOBI) seeing you laugh he will give you a quick kiss.

Rap Monster-
       He will kiss your hands and slowly make his way toward tour neck. Then, he will sneakily pull away, only to have you turn back and have a soft pair lips placed upon yours.

         He will start off asking (begging) you to slowdance with him, after he getadd you to join he will bend down and give you small kisses just to walk away.

       He starts making funny faces letting you join in for a while. But as soon as the cute funny face show comes to an end, he pulls you on his lap to cuddle and kiss not letting you go until he says so.

      He will spam you phone with cute selfies of him asking for kisses. If you say no or don't reply. He will walk up to you and give you a big kiss.

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