He catches you changing

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You were working out and after he got done at the studio he was going to take you out. You showered and did you make-up and hair, but you left your clothes in the bedroom. You casually walked in there and put on your underwear and pants, you went to put on a shirt, but decided you didn't want to wear it so as you raised it over your stomach, the door opened and Jin walked in. "Ummmm.... sorry." He shut the door and quickly ran away. You just giggled and changed.


You woke up and smelled the coffee Yoongi was making. You let out a deep breath and got up to get changed in some lazy clothes. You found one of Yoongi's large sweaters in your closet. As you lifted the shirt over your head the door clicked open and you made eye contact. His face was flushed as we're yours, but as realization hit you with a hard slap to the face you threw a pillow at the door that just slammed shut. Then you heard him yell, "not bad at all babe."


Hobi likes to take you to work out with him which means he gets sweaty, but he still likes to hug you. He took a shower and you made food. After food was ready you went to change into some comfy clothes. You were in your undergarments when Hoseok walked in with no shirt on. You screamed and covered your self before Hobi covered his eyes. He stepped back in the bathroom, "sorry! Please finish." You thanked him and continued.

Rap Monster-

This boi doesn't know the difference between turn away and keep staring. You were just trying to put some pajamas on so you can go to sleep, you thought he was sleeping like a baby on the bed.... But he was awake, staring at you with wide eyes. You turned around and screamed and ran into the bathroom. You were shaking and fanning yourself and quickly changed. When you came out, he hurriedly pulled you under the covers with you cuddling you for an apologize. Also commentimg on how beautiful you are.


You and him were about to have a night at the movies. You were trying to find something to wear and you found the cutest outfit to go with his. You got on your skinny jeans and lifted your shirt and tried to put on a bra and hook it in the back. Suddenly, you felt someone help you, "thank you!" Forgetting you werent wearing a shirt. Then you realized it, and quickly covered yourself. "I came to see if you were ready and came to check on you, and seen you struggling with your bra." He explaned walking out.


We are talking about a model here (Gucci hire him now). He wanted you to wear all sorts of clothes... His clothes. He liked playing dress up with you in all his favorite outfits. He conplements you so much and tries his best to make you feel stunning (You are beautiful... All of you are beautiful). "Beautiful!" "Gorgeous!" You dont care about changing in front of him because he always complements your beauty.


Tonight was your annual nightly gaming session. You both wear pajamas and gane until your hearts are content and you both are making out because of arguing about who cheated. You wanted to wearhis pajamas claiming they are more comfy. You put on his sweat pants and made them fit perfectly around you. And he walked in as you were putting on the button up shirt but screwing up all the buttons. He smiled and in bottom them putting them on correctly, such a gentleman.

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