☇When Your Scared of Storms☇

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(Okay, I know some of you aren't scared of storms. I'm personally not, but thought it would be a cute thing to write about.)

    Clouds were rolling in quickly, and here you are in a bundle of blankets waiting for Jin to get done making your favorite hot drink. When he returned, he gave you your mug and lit a few candles before climbing in the bundle of blankets. Soon, a loud clap of thunder roared over causing you to jump, and Jin held you in his arms and starting singing a soft lullaby making you feel safe.

     After watching the weather forecast, you decided to tell him. "Umm... Yoongi, I know this sounds weird to say this now... but I'm scared of storms." He chuckled and held you close, "it's okay. I'll help you through this." He grabbed a flashlight, blankets, pillows, and snacks and you both made a pillow fort to hide from the storm outside.

     You guys were playing in the rain think it is just a normal rainy day, when a flash of lighting and a clap of thunder made you freeze on the spot. He seemed to realize what was happening and lead you inside to dry you off. Thunder kept rolling by making you jump every time, but he just held you in his arms. He soon took you to the bedroom and started telling you funny stories from his childhood,  and you felt secure in his embrace.

Rap Monster-
      You were reading a book in your bed with Namjoon by your side reading as well. You heard a distant roll of thunder, causing you to lower into the blankets little by little until you were fully underneath them. He giggled at your cuteness and grabbed his reading light and slid under the covers next to you, and held you close and he read throughout the storm.

     You were dancing in the living room, not minding a thing until the power went out. You were confused on why it did until you seen a flash of lighting causing you to run into Jimin. He carried you throughout the house to get the necessary supplies to build the perfect pillow fort for your shared bed. He played a movie on his laptop, in which during the middle you fell asleep wrapped up in his warm embrace.

       You stared out the window watching the rain go by, and V was at practice which made it a gloomy day. You walked away from the window to get a drink when thunder came booming, causing you to duck and scream. Just then the scent of V's cologne had you surrounded. "Baby-cakes it's okay, I'm here now." You hugged him back, "why aren't you at the studio?" "Power went out during the middle so they made everyone go home. I just the power just went out here too." You looked to see the power out, and he carried you to the bedroom, where you both changed into pajamas and cuddled with plushies.

       He was playing with your hair as you were playing a game on his phone. He looked out the window, "a storm must be rolling in." You visibility tensed, and he noticed. He let out a chuckle. He placed you in his lap when the thunder could be heard. He sang your favorite songs and kissed your hands to calm you down. After you fell asleep, he pulled you close and whispered, "I'll protect you."

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