"The nausea has kicked in, hasn't it?" I nodded my head and ran to the nearest trash can where I puked my guts out until I slightly better once more. This was the one time that I was glad that first bell to go to classes was fifteen minutes before Second bell where we had to be in classes.

Kai rubbed my back until I stopped and then handed me a light blue metal water bottle. "It's a smoothie with seaweed, green tea, lemon, and bananas. It always helps with the nausea. Also taking a long bath and letting your tail out at least once every two days really keeps the nausea at bay until you fully adjust to being on land."

I took a giant gulp of the smoothie and said, "How long will that take?"

"For me, it was a month, but I didn't look as bad as you look right now. I'm going to write you a pass to skip the first two periods with me so you can get some sleep. Just go to Vladimir's room and give him this pass." Kai snapped his fingers and a pass for me was magically between his fingers.

"Be careful and make sure to finish the drink before you go to sleep. I love you." I give him a thumb up because I was scared that if I opened my mouth, I would puke all over him.

I slowly made my way down to Professor Vladimir's classroom where I knocked on his door before entering and giving him the pass. "Okay Ms. Gray, are you sure that you are going to be better by third period?"

I thought about it for a second before I said, "Probably not, but I'm still going to come to your class."

"Respectable. Now what is your dorm room, so I can send someone to get you just in case if you do not wake up in time."

"241." I replied and he immediately looked up from his paper and said, "You're roommates with-"

"Dahlia Michaelis, yes."

"So you are the human who called her a leech?"

My eyes widened and then my body was filled with embarrassment. "Yes, sadly. I let my anger get the best of me which resulted in some deplorable nicknames being said."

"I frankly find it quite humorous. Anyways you are dismissed to your room. Remember that I am going to send someone to make sure you are awake and ready to come to my class." I nodded my head before turning around and walking to my room.

I immediately plopped down on my bed, chugged the rest of the smoothie, and passed out on my bed within seconds.

If felt like I was asleep for mere minutes before I heard someone say, "Look, she's sleeping so peacefully. Do you think that we should just tell Vladimir that she was still sick? She did look awfully pale at breakfast."

"I am awake, and I'm going to class. It's just some nausea. I can deal with-," I tried to finish the sentence, but I sprang out of my bed and ran over to the bathroom and puked once more.

Tomoe and Kou stood disapprovingly in the doorway, "Are you sure, Human? The Mermaid Sickness is really kicking your ass." Kou said.

"I am sure. I am going to class." I said with determination as I washed my hands and used mouth wash once again before performing my hair spell, again.

"She's such a stubborn one, Tomoe. Reminds me someone else." He said with a smile, and I could tell that they were talking about Her Majesty. They speak about her with such pride and love and always get so happy when I bring her up. They are her dotting, adoptive fathers.

Tomoe grabbed my water bottle and filling it up with a similar green smoothie to what I was drinking before. "Kai said that this would help you if you were stupid enough to go back to class." Then he grabbed my bracelet made from buttons from my first flute, said a small spell and gave it to me. "It should keep some of the nausea at bay." I put it on, and I instantly felt a million times better.

Kou handed me my backpack, and they both walked me to class because they were scared that I was going to pass out. It wasn't uncommon for a mermaid to faint randomly during a spout of Mermaid Sickness.

Tyrus and Kalen were surprised to see me in class, and I able to focus on my classwork enough to distract myself from the nausea. But that didn't stop Tyrus from being overly worried and asking me if I was okay every three seconds.

The rest of the day went by quite quickly, and I refused to eat or drink anything other than water and my smoothie that Kai found ways to give me refills for. It felt like every time I would run out, I would open my backpack and there was a refill bottle to which I poured the contents in my bottle and put the refill bottle back in my backpack for the next time.

Most importantly, at the end of the night, I locked Dahlia's side to the bathroom and I ran a cold bath and let my tail out. 

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