Chapter 32

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He hugged you back and tried to calm you down. He stroked your hair as you cried silently. "What is it your scared of Firefly?" He said trying to soothe you. "I saw something horrible and terrifying." She said crying more and hugging him tighter. He released the hug and motioned you to sit on the couch, you did so and he sat next to you. You explained everything to him and about Katsu.

He hugged you again and then you heard crying. You got up and went over to Naruto's crib and picked him up. You then felt a horrible pain in your stomach and you almost dropped Naruto, you set him down in his crib and you clenched your stomach in pain. You then fell to your knee's coughing up blood. Minato rushed over to you. "Are you ok!?". You groaned in pain and then shrieked when the pain was more intense.

You looked at your stomach and saw that it was bleeding. "T-the Kunai h-hit that spot." The stitches tore open. You made a hand sign and a needle and thread appeared so you stitched yourself up. The pain disappeared and you healed yourself to a point where the stitches weren't even visible. You let a sigh of relief flood through your whole body and you sat down on the couch.

Minato just stared at you in shock and amazement. You got up and went over to Naruto's crib, you picked him and rested his head on your shoulder. You then heard a loud bang on the door. Naruto began to cry again and your stomach began to hurt. "What on earth is going on? I have a really bad feeling now." Minato went over to answer the door.

You had your guard and you could tell Minato did as well. He answered the door and the second it opened a ninja dressed fully in black shot a punch to Minato's face, he backed up, barely dodging the punch. You gasped and held Naruto closer to you. Then they all walked through the door, you knew what they were coming for and you wouldn't let them have it. Your eyes were filled with fear.

But you couldn't let that get the best of you. You watched the fight and saw Minato get punched in the gut. These ninja are very powerful they looked like they could be special jounin or higher. You used one hand and made different hand signs. Light style, Crystal orb jutsu!" Suddenly a bunch of spiky clear orbs formed above there heads. they dropped and landed on some of them.

Others dodged the attack. Minato was using taijutsu on them and with his speed, he was able to take out a few but some were even faster than him which was incredible! You did a few more hand signs and grabbed Minato's arm. Light style, Crimson blood force field jutsu!" A red sphere formed around you, Naruto, and Minato protecting you from the intruders. "Minato what are we going to do? I can't hold this jutsu for long." You said holding one hand sign for as long as possible.

He grabbed Naruto from your arms and you gave him an odd look. "Do you think you can knock them all out at once with one of your jutsu's?" He asked, you pondered your mind about it then nodded. "Be ready Minato." You said quietly. You looked at Naruto and a small smile appeared on your lips. The blood force field deformed and the blood was formed into a ball a few feet above your head.

"Light style, blood strings." You said in a low tone. Out of the blood above your head, a straight line of red liquid shot out and attached to one of the ninja's forehead. Then more blood strings shot out and attached to the other ninjas' foreheads. "Sleep," You said looking at all of them. They closed their eyes and fell to the floor, the strings retreated to the blood ball and the blood disappeared.

"They're asleep for now we need to take them to well where ever you take enemy ninja." You chuckled a little and sighed. Minato put a hand on your shoulder and smiled. "Nice work Firefly." You smiled and made a hand sign and the ninja disappeared. You walked over to the couch and sat down.

Minato sat down next to you. You lay your head back closed your eyes and sighed. You then heard Naruto crying, Minato was trying to soothe him but it didn't really work. You chuckled and held your hands out a little. He handed you Naruto and you went to the kitchen grabbing his bottle and gave it to him.

You set Naruto down in his crib and he fell asleep. You went back to the couch and sat down getting lost in thought. You decided to grab a horror movie and watch it. Minato made popcorn while you got a blanket for you both. You lay your head on Minato's shoulder and fell asleep halfway through the movie. You then woke up when there was a loud jump scare. The sun had set and Minato was also asleep. You chuckled and kissed his forehead. You then went upstairs changed your clothes and went to bed.

Fireflies magic (Minato x Reader) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now