Chapter 5

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I woke up to a loud banging on the door. I shot my head up and looked around, the room was a lot darker than usual so I assumed it was night. I stood up groggily and slowly walked towards the door. I was still drowsy so I stood there for a minute to regain my senses. My head slowly began to clean so I turned the golden lock on the handle then turned the handle, slowly opening the door. My reaction was late as I was kicked across the room, my back crashing into a wall, surprisingly not denting or cracking the beige paint.

I groaned and fell forward on my stomach. I stupidly tried to use my injured arm to lift my upper body up, I hissed at the fiery pain in my arm. I lifted my head up to watch the black-clothed figure teleport next to Minato. "No... Stop," my voice was hoarse and my body was still on and off from my slumber. I stood up as quickly as I could and raced towards the figure, I saw his hand was wrapped around Minato's throat. Minato had passed out instead of falling asleep naturally so I didn't expect him to wake up anytime soon. I grabbed onto the figure and gripped his shirt tightly. Then tossed him into the kitchen. His body soared over the granite island, and crashed into the wooden cabinets, knocking over pans.

I heard the pans collide into each other, and onto the figure's body causing my ears to ring. I slowly walked to the edge of the island. Every step caused more fear and anxiety in my body. I had made it to the edge then peered over it, I couldn't see him, the pans covered his body. It was eerily silent. I relaxed my shoulders and sighed. I screamed when the figure jumped over the island and pinned me to the wooden floor. The wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't breathe, as hard as I tried so little air was going into my lungs.

He wasn't choking me, but my panic for air made my imagination go wild. The man raised his fist up to punch me so I quickly calmed myself down then at the last second recoiled my legs and sprung them back at his chest. His head hit the edge of the granite countertop, his yell echoed through the room. I still couldn't breathe well or talk. I crawled towards the figure and shook his body, making sure he was out cold. Once I was sure I desperately ran towards the faucet and turned it on.

I tilted my head and began to gulp down huge amounts of water. I quickly pulled back and took in large amounts of air. I could breathe so much better but my back was in incredible pain. I turned the faucet off and used the back of my hand to get rid of the excess water dripping down my chin. I turned around and walked towards the other side of the island where the figure was. He was still there, unmoving. I kneeled down and ripped off his mask... it was my brother.

My breath was hitched as I stared at his unconscious body. I placed my hand on his shoulder and began hand signs. "Light style, firefly teleportation jutsu." We began to glow then the room changed drastically into a hospital. I picked his body up. One arm under his legs, the other under his upper back. I raced up to the lady sitting at the desk and she immediately called for help. I stood there for less than thirty seconds when three doctors came running down the hall with a gurney.

I set my brother on the gurney and they charged back down the hall into the ER. I didn't know if he was hurt that badly but I'd rather not take any chances. I quickly teleported back with the same jutsu, and sat down on the floor, leaning against the couch. I drew a long breath out as I pressed my head against the edge of the couch. I looked at Minato who was shuffling around, I raised an eyebrow then his eyes opened. I stood up as I watched him try to sit up. I placed my hands against his chest to stop him. "Take it easy," I spoke softly. He continued to sit up but more slowly this time.

I watched him look around the room then at me. "What... what happened?" He asked. I gritted my teeth as I didn't want to worry him with what happened while he was out of it. "I tripped and fell, I was gonna pick it up but you woke up so I didn't do anything about it." I brushed my hand against my nose then shrugged my shoulders. "Don't worry about it, I'll be fine," I finished. He looked at me with an unconvinced face. "I've known you too long to know when you're lying and when you're telling the truth." His eyebrows knitted while his eyes narrowed slightly, giving off a serious vibe.

Fireflies magic (Minato x Reader) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now