Chapter 23

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                                                                                   (NEXT DAY)

You opened your eyes a little and let a small gasp escape from your lips. Your hand was on his stomach and your head was lying down on his arm and he was basically hugging you, your legs were intertwined with his and your other arm was out on the side of the bed. His hand was on top of your other hand.

"What the heck!" You shouted.

"Oh, I really hope Hiriko didn't come into Minato's room last night or I would be dead."

"MINATO WAKE UP!" you shouted. He woke up and fell off the bed. He stood back up rubbing his head.

"Y/n that hurt!" You ignored him.

"Minato did I...did I sleep with you?" You said.

"Ummm yeah." Your eyes widened. You pulled Minato on to the bed and then pushed him off.

"Oww what was that for!?" he said angrily.

"That's what you get for putting that much stress on me." You said crossing your arms. You then helped him back up on the bed.

"I said you could kiss me not sleep with me."

"Sorry, you passed out so I just put you down on the closest bed possible and well that was mine."

You screamed and put your hand up to smack him when suddenly the door opened. 

"What on earth is all this racket!?" Hiriko bugged through the door. You put your hand down.

"Y/n??? What are you doing in here you never leave your room without changing your clothes." You looked down and saw that you were in a spaghetti strap tank top with some PJ shorts.

"Ohh I umm had to talk to Minato-kun it was urgent." Minato nodded his head in agreement.

"Ok well stop with the noise, I'm sure the neighbors heard you two."

You rubbed the back of your head and sweat-dropped.

"Yeah sorry about that," Minato replied. Hiriko shut the door.

"Why the heck did you call me that!? That will be a complete give-away." You rolled your eyes.

"Sorry I talk weirdly when I have to lie. Anyway, that's beside the point. Forget that I ever let you kiss me and forget that I ever slept with you got it?" You said in a demanding voice. He nodded. You grabbed some clothes from his drawer and tossed it to him.

"Get dressed we have to train the team." You said without looking at him and you closed the door.

You got dressed in your turquoise outfit and went downstairs. When you walked down the stairs you saw Minato making breakfast. You walked over to the table and right before you went to sit down you heard a knock on the door.

You walked over to the door and opened it. It was Katsu.

"Hey y/n-chan." He said with a closed-eye smile. Minato walked over to the door and saw Katsu. He gave him a weird look.

"Oh, hi Katsu what brings you here?" You said brightly.

"Well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a walk with me?" Suddenly you felt Minato's arm stretch across your back and side hug you with one arm. 

"Umm, sorry Katsu I can't I have to go train the team today. How about after?" He brightened up and agreed to do so.

"Ok, I'll pick you up at the training grounds." You both smiled and he left while Minato closed the door.

"Umm, Minato why are you hugging me?" You said as you pointed to the hand gripping your side. He didn't answer and let go. He picked up your backpack and tossed it to you. You caught it with ease and slipped it on. Right, when you did Minato grabbed your wrist and started to basically drag you towards the door.

"Minato stop." He stopped but didn't look your way and then started to walk again.

"Minato let go." You started to try and pry his hand off. it seemed like he was zoned out.

"Minato listen to me!" You yelled. He stopped and looked at you he then looked down at your wrist and let go. He then started to walk away.

"Minato why won't you say anything?" You said.

"Is it because of Katsu?" He then stopped walking and turned to look at you and tensed up.

"It is because of him." He then tensed up a little more.

"Umm no it's not." You could tell he was lying.

"Minato you've been acting strangely what's on your mind you can tell me anything." You said with a smile.

"I'll explain later let's just get going and train the team." You nodded and you both teleported to the meeting spot. The kids were already there as usual. They then threw a big fit about how you both were late. Well only two of them did. Minato then led the group to a forest and halfway through their training Kushina came by to drop off lunch.

The Obito kid made a fit about not eating cause he wasn't hungry even though you could hear it from a mile away.

"Obito would you just shut up and eat." You said starting to get annoyed. He turned his head to look at you and you could tell he was bubbling in annoyance.

"Y/n-chan is right you need to eat if you don't you'll get hungry and let the team down by complaining so eat up," Kushina said as she started to grow angry. He growled a little bit but did as he was told and ate.

                                                                        (TIME SKIP)

It's the end of training and you were at the training grounds waving the team goodbye. Kushina and Minato were talking while you sat on a tree branch waiting for Katsu. You waited a few minutes before you saw Katsu walking towards Minato and Kushina. You decided you wanted to play a little trick on him so you hid in the branches.

You heard some muffled voices but then you saw Katsu walk to the tree. When he was close enough you placed your body to where you would hang upside down. You then let go of the branch and used your feet as leverage. 

"Hi, Katsu." You said swinging a little bit. He jumped a little and rolled his eyes.

"Why'd you do that?" He said in annoyance.

"Cause I felt like scaring you." He sighed and you giggled a little bit. He then grabbed your head lightly and he pulled you into a kiss you closed your eyes and he deepened the kiss a little, then pulled away.

"Aww, man no fair I was supposed to have my fun." You said pouting. He smirked and you jumped from the tree.

"You ready for that walk?" He asked holding out his arm.

"Of course." You said and you looped your arm through his and started walking to the village. You stole a glance at Minato and he was not happy with this date at all.

Fireflies magic (Minato x Reader) REWRITEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora