Chapter 4

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                                                                  Y/n's Pov

Eight years have passed since my parents passed away. I'm currently fifteen and still living with Minato. I was running down a large, brown, dirt road. I was behind Minato but not by a whole lot, we were on our way to go train, we're currently jonin. "Just try and keep up Firefly!" That was the little nickname he gave me, all of my friends call me Firefly, that's what Konoha knows me by. "Shut up Minato! You know I'm not as fast as you!" I shouted back. I heard him laugh causing me to growl so I picked up my pace and crashed into him. We tumbled down onto the road a few times.

I couldn't really feel anything, I was just kind of numb, I felt my chest and head going up and down, my head was warming up slowly, and I could hear a heartbeat. I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head up a little to get it off of... Minato? I shook my head then stared at the one I was on top of. My face heated up as I stared at him, he wore a loose black shirt that had strings tied around the arms and black ninja pants. I didn't know what to do so, I just stayed there. I couldn't move my eyes away from his face... his eyes, his beautiful, lagoon eyes that slowly faded into an aqua.

It was like an endless pool of every shade of blue, mixing with passion and emotion. I felt my arms weaken slightly so I collapsed onto my forearms, Minato instinctively lifted his arms up, just slightly off the ground ready to catch me. I cleared my throat quite awkwardly then brought my body into a sitting position on my knees. Minato pulled himself up into a kneeling position then laughed nervously, "You had to intimidate me, huh?" I asked.

I quickly stood up and took off at a high running speed, enforcing chakra into my feet. I could hear him shouting at me but couldn't quite make out the words. A huge smile was plastered on my face as I entered training ground eleven. I slowed down to a jog then placed my hands on my knees and rasped in breaths of air. I took off my backpack and pulled out my water bottle and took a few sips. I heard Minato easily catching up to me so he was already at the training ground.

"I win," I spoke easily as I set my backpack against a tree. "You cheated," he grumbled. "By trying to catch up with you?" I asked with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and I giggled some. I then flashed in front of him, pinning him to a tree. "What? Can't you handle a little competition?" I asked mockingly. His face was turning red, his lips formed a thin line then a playful smirk appeared. I raised an eyebrow but I wasn't given the time to ask a question as he had teleported out of my grip.

"Ok, now that's cheating," I shouted, placing a hand on my hip. My outfit consists of a tight, blue crop top shirt that barely stayed above my belly button, and a tight, long-sleeved, rib-long, unzipped, black jacket with back, jean shorts and black knee-high, open-toed ninja boots, my hair was tied up into a high ponytail that reached down to my mid-back, and my weapons pouch was on my thigh where a bandage was wrapped under it. I had my father's headband tied around my waist while my shinobi one was on my forehead. I flipped open my weapons pouch and pulled out a kunai and spun it with my finger by the hoop at the end of the weapon.

I gripped the handle and spread my stance out then bent my knees. I scanned the forest, searching for his specific chakra signature, I was able to sense him in the tree's above me, how stupid of him to not hide his chakra. It's either that or a substitution jutsu. "Come on Minato, not hiding your chakra is a rookie mistake," I commented then concealed my own chakra, I scaled the tree next to me and crouched down on a large branch, scanning through the open patches in the forest.

Leaves were bundled everywhere so it was hard to see anything. I jumped from branch to branch until I was close to what I thought was Minato's location. I stood behind a tree on a branch and peeked my head to the side just to see what I was looking at, it was indeed a substitution, I could tell because the chakra signature was slightly different from his original signature. I gripped the kunai barely tighter then threw it at the sub. He caught it then snapped his head towards me. My eyes widened slightly and he threw it back at me.

Fireflies magic (Minato x Reader) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now