Chapter 26

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                                                                              (YOUR POINT OF VIEW)

You were...surrounded in darkness it was empty but yet warm you continued to run in this so-called 'darkness' until you saw a speck of light that grew larger and larger the closer you got to it. When you finally reached it you woke up a little then squinted your eyes when the light, soaked into your e/c orbs. 

You sat up and looked around the room, it smelled of cleaning product and it looked like a hospital from the look of your surroundings. You then heard a doorknob twist and you looked to your right to see the door open and a nurse walked in. She gasped and ran out of the room and grabbed a few doctors.

They were all talking and you tried to understand what they were saying but found it hard to do. The one thing you did hear was a doctor saying to inform the Hokage immediately. That sentence rang through your head and you jumped up. You startled some of the doctor's but the other's ignored the sudden movement.

You then weaved a few hand sign but you grabbed your side in pain after you tried to use your chakra. You tired again and succeded ignoring the pain. You teleported to the apartment and sat on your bed trying to remember yesterdays chain of events. It was quite blurry, most of your memories, but you were able to remember them.

Tear's began to flood your e/c eyes when you remembered Kushina. You collapsed to your knee's putting your hands up to your face crying in them. You heard the door open but didn't bother to see who it was. The person rushed up to you and hugged you.

"It will be ok I promise." You knew exactly who it was...Hiriko. You hugged him back crying into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you closer trying to comfort you. He put his hand on top of your head running it through your h/c hair. You looked up at him with red, puffy eyes.

"What happened?" You asked quietly. "After you passed out Minato and Hiriko rushed to you and Kushina. They did everything in their power but they couldn't bring Kushina back she...she's in a better place now, she wouldn't want you to cry she would want you to stay happy and keep pushing on with your life." Hiriko said looking down at you.

You nodded your head slightly and he wiped away your tears. You both stood up."Please don't worry yourself about this. Kushina will always be with you, don't ever forget that ok?" You gave a small smile and nodded. You went into your closet to change into a purple, loose, long-sleeved, shirt where one of the sleeves hung down lower revealing your shoulder.

You put on some jeans and your black, knee-high, ninja boots. You brushed your hair and let your hair flow freely down your back. It was soft and wavy but it was just naturally that way, you parted it down the middle and put your bangs behind your ears. You left your room and closed the door. You started to go down the stairs but grabbed your side in pain.

You kneeled down a little holding your side. You stood up still holding your side and you shrieked in pain. "Why does it hurt so much?" You asked yourself, you proceeded to go down the stairs and made it to the living room. You slouched on the couch trying to push away your thought's about Kushina. As you tried to push that away you forced yourself into a different train of thought.

You then heard footsteps which interrupted your train of thought, you looked towards the stairway and saw Hiriko walk down the stairs. You stood and grabbed your side in pain you bit your lip trying to keep from shrieking. You walked over to Hiriko and gave him a hug, he wrapped his arms around your back and gave you a strong hug.

You released and grabbed your key's hanging off a hook on the side of the door. You opened the door and started to walk out but stopped when you felt a hand touch your shoulder. "Is something the matter Hiriko?" You said in a polite tone. "Are you sure you want to head out now?" He asked with worry laced in his vocal cords.

"Yes, I believe I can head out now and I also want to go see Minato and Katsu." You brushed his hand off your shoulder and shut the door in his face. You were a little frustrated and angry but that's the emotion you wanted to use so you could keep Kushina out of your head. You continued to walk down the street's of the leaf village and you felt many pairs of eye's beam down on you.

You ignored them and continued to walk to the Hokage's tower. Once you reached the Hokage's tower you teleported outside of the Hokage's office, you knocked and heard someone say come in. You walked in and saw Minato sitting in his chair doing paperwork. He didn't bother to look up at you as he was to distracted by his work.

"Minato." You said calmly. He looked up at you with wide, blue, eyes. He stood up and walked over to you giving you the strongest hug imaginable. He put his head on your shoulder and whispered something. "I'm so glad you're alright." You blushed at this and closed your eyes, hugging him tighter.

You released the hug and rubbed the back of your head. "So what happened the years I was gone?" You asked, curiosity sparkling in your eyes. "Not much Mikoto gave birth to Sasuke." Your eyes widened. "How is that not big I didn't even know she was pregnant let alone she gave birth!" You yelled at him. "I also have a son, and Obito left right after you disappeared and Rin she passed away," He said. If your eyes could have gone any wider they would have.

You ended up smacking him. 'Hey, why did you do tha-" You then hugged him and his eyes went wide. You started crying silently, he wrapped his arms around your waist and he hugged you back. "I wish I could have been there for them." You said through your tears. "You did what you had to do stop trying to put the blame on yourself none of this was your fault." He said in his kind voice. You hugged him tighter.

"So you have a son?" You said trying to lighten the mood.

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