Chapter 11

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                                                                                    (NEXT DAY)

You begin to wake up rubbing your eyes and turning over to your side only to find out that you fall on the floor. That woke you up and you stood up rubbing your back in pain. You stretch and walk over to the closet to get dressed. You get out wearing your ninja outfit. 

It's a tank top that stops a few inches above your belly button, the bottom is a skirt that goes past your kneecaps. The skirt parts on the left and right side of you. Both parts are turquoise outlined in a black. You put on black shorts and a necklace that has a pure see-through crystal attached to it with a slight tint of white.

You slip on some black boots that go past your ankle and show your toes. You put your hair into a French braid and left your room. You walk into Minato's room to see if he is awake. To your surprise he was. His bed was made and his ninja outfit was gone. You walk downstairs to see that breakfast was already made sitting on the table ready for you to eat.

You walk over to the food and smell its sweet aroma. You start to eat like an animal. Once you finish you walk over to the sink in a drowsy way. You were still very tired from last night. You still feel weak and you think that the sleep didn't help you at all.

You walk over to the living room and see Minato on the couch asleep. You nudge him and tell him that we need to go meet up with Kushina at the front gates. He looks at you and rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Come on Minato I know you don't want to be on this mission with Kushina but we need to make the best of it, besides last time I saw her she acted nice to me so maybe this time it will be different."

"Ok well, I guess we should get going then."

You both get up and walk out the door with your bags packed and ready to go. You guys talk while walking there. You suddenly collapse and fall on your knees you felt this sharp pain go through your whole body.

"You ok Firefly?!" Minato asked in a worried voice.

"I-it's ok I-I'll be fine it's probably just from last night." 

Minato helps you stand up but he still has a worried look in his eyes but you try to ignore it the rest of the way to the gate. When you make it there you see Kushina at the front gate. You let out a small grumble when you see her.

Minato whispers something in your ear.

"Remember what you told me at the apartment."

You look at him letting out a small grumble while nodding to his question 

"Guess I should take my own advice," you say in your head.

You walk up to Kushina and say a friendly hello. You look at her and you see stars in her eyes and you realize she is staring at Minato. You get a little jealous and snap her out of her gaze by shaking her. 

"Umm hello, Kushina?"

She looks at you and you realize you made her mad but embarrassed because her cheeks turn the same color as her hair.

"Kushina, Minato let's just get going." You said with a sigh.

As you are half way there you are already exhausted in a was a 2-day trip and all you could think about was going to sleep. As the sun starts to set on the open prairie you're in, you decide to stop and make camp. On the edge of the prairie is a cliff and at the bottom is a blue lake.

You were mesmerized by the sight and when you were done setting camp up you decide to watch the sunset while you sit on the edge of the cliff. Kushina starts to talk to Minato and how beautiful the sunset is.

"See Minato isn't this the best place to make camp I'm glad I chose it."

"But f/n chose to make camp here."

"I told her to."

Minato rolls his eyes and looks your way. He stands up and walks over to you.

"Minato w-where are you going?"

"I'm going over to the cliff." He said and walked over to you.

Kushina pouted and looked at him walk to you. As he walked up to you, you turn to see him staring at you. He sits down next to you and watches the sunset. Both of you put your feet over the edge and see the orange and yellow color fade into a pink, purple, and blue horizon.

You lean your head on Minatos' shoulder while he wraps his hand around your side to pull you closer to him. Kushina boils in jealousy and walks over to you both and sits next to Minato hugging his arm while leaning her head on his shoulder. you look past him and see her snuggling his arm and leaning against his shoulder.

You shrug, get up, and walk to your tent. Minato watches you walk to your tent. He get's a little mad on how Kushina just waltzed in and stole their moment. He sighs and walks to your tent Kushina stares at him all the way until he is out of sight in your tent. Kushina decides to give up and go to her tent.

When Minato walked into your tent you were surprised to see him.

"Am I intruding Firefly?"

"Of course not come on in if you want."

He walks and sits on your cot with you.

"So have you come to talk to me about something?" You ask in a questioning way.

"I have been worried about you, this entire time you have looked weak and tired ever since we trained that night. You have not looked like yourself."

"Yeah, I haven't been my best. I don't know what caused it either."

He lightly kisses you on the forehead and you return the favor by lightly kissing him on the lips.

"Don't worry Minato-kun I'm sure I'll be fine." 

he hugs you, said goodnight, and leaves the tent and you fall asleep.

Fireflies magic (Minato x Reader) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now